but there are plenty of other ways to lower insurance premiums. Auto insurance discounts are typically offered to seniors, teen drivers and students; discounts are also often offered for the type of car you drive or your profession.
Have questions about car insurance? Find quotes, advice and information to get the most out of your auto insurance coverage.
Vehicle-related features discounts While new cars, cars with safety add-ons and electric vehicles can have high price tags, you can help offset the cost with a discount from your insurer. You might need certain insurance coverage to qualify, though, like MedPay or personal injury protection, ...
Does your vehicle need special coverage, or are you looking for a standard policy with improved perks like discounts and the latest digital tools? Setting a budget and outlining your priorities will simplify the shopping process. How much car insurance do you need?
driver spends about $2,014 on car insurance per year, (according to Bankrate), but the typical 20-year-old young adult on their own policy pays more than $4,300 per year for full coverage. However, students can also take advantage of discounts that insurance companies have for those ...
Our independent agents shop around to find you the best coverage. Request a Quote The Benefits of an Independent Insurance Agent So now you know how federal government employee insurance discounts work. But your time is valuable, so why do all the hard work yourself? Our independent insurance...
Car Insurance Discounts in Oregon The state of Oregon may forever be known as the home of the Oregon Trail, but the transportation system has come a long way over the last 200 years. With more than14,900 miles of road, Oregon has a large transportation system with plenty of room for the...
Some companies offer car insurance discounts for teachers. This type of discount can include a percentage off of your annual premium. Some companies include coverage for school property in your car. Not all teachers may find a discount option through their insurers. There are other ways to lower...
Founded in 1921, State Auto offers a wide variety of auto insurance options and discounts opportunities for drivers. At $1,987 a year for a full-coverage policy, rates with State Auto are higher than the industry average. State Auto also has a higher-than-average number of customer complaint...
Auto insurance discounts Claims-free discounts: Drivers who have no auto claims on their record for the past three to five years typically qualify for savings. This could include either a claims-free or safe driving discount. Good student discounts: Drivers under age 25 who are enrolled full ti...