Prices for small used cars are climbing to unexpected levels- a sign that demand is growing as price-sensitive consumers face dwindling options in the new-car market. more >> ADESA's bold bid to revamp auto auctions ADESA is aggressively enhancing its online auctions -- through technology, ...
look, prices continue to come down. And I think Enrique, help me out on this, but I think this is the seventh quarter in a row of year-over-year price declines in our ASP which certainly they're not back to where they were
Hard For Me To Believe ... but Elvis Presley will have been dead for 43 years this Sunday. He's now been dead longer than he was alive.On August 16, 1977, I was in Chicago on a business trip. It was sunny and hot. I had finished a meeting and was driving east on I-90 in ...
In an effort to make the exhausting process easier, many skimp on their research and rush into agreements to have the taxing process over with. Scammers prey on these situations, luring you in with online ads of beautiful listings at low prices before telling you that time is short, others...
On Sunday, my friend Vlad brought his 2000 model year Phoenix Yellow Integra Type R over to the house. It only has 31,000 miles on it, and the engine bay looks absolutely brand new. Joining for the pictures was my 1999 Integra which recently had some work done. After about two and a...
However, Murphy already had a weekly show booked on that date. A few racing peeps wanted NARC to invade Kings Speedway which wasn’t going to happen because the Central California locals barely have enough opportunities to race already. Not to mention, the PMC, an event filled with auctions...