美国权威汽车媒体Car&Driver每年都会针对新车评选出10大好车,新一届2016年度好车也终于在近日正式公布。 Car&Driver自1982年起,开始评选年度10大好车,至今已经34年。最新的入围门槛很有意思——在美国的售价低于8万美元;每年一月起已经上市的车型;为车商提供测试的车型;以及仅有全新大改款但在前一年度获得10大好车...
Covering the automotive industry since 1955 with in-depth reviews and analysis, features, auto show reporting, and advice for car owners and buyers.
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The film is based on the famous '24 Hours of Le Mans' sports car race, the world's oldest and most strenuous race held in the town of Le Mans, France. McQueen plays Michael Delaney, a racer for Porsche who's still riddled with guilt after an accident killed his fellow driver a year...
Are there any states from the Northeast region included in the top 10 worst states? How do driver education and advanced vehicle technology help in lowering the risk in states with the worst drivers? Does having a bad driving record affect car insurance rates? What can drivers do to improve ...
岁末年初,又到了一年一度评选Top 10 Best Car的时候啦。或者很多消费者会认为市面火热的车型一般都能凭借不错的销量成绩包揽这次排行榜的前10,尤其是那些诸如凯美瑞或者卡罗拉这样子的家用车,但如果真的这么想的话就错了。像外媒caranddriver的编辑们,除了针对和消费者一样注重的油耗和车辆品质之外,性能表现也成为了...
Bugatti builds cars the way it sets records: By the book. In the case of the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, this feat was achieved by driver Pierre-Henri Raphanel and certified by the Guinness World Records. This sporty jewel of power has made the hearts of many car lovers beat faster. ...
1. Driver assistance features Driver assistance facilities such as blind spot monitoring, parking sensors, and 360-degree cameras are the top priority for drivers when choosing their new vehicles. While driver aids overlap with advanced safety systems, their primary focus is on simplifying the driver...
"Uber and Lyft drivers will soon be out of work here and in California if driverless cars take flight," Cardona noted. CULTURE RACE Another millennial pointed to a possible offshoot of the pending driverless era. "My children may not even have driver's licenses, or be able to drive a car...
We reviewed the best car insurance companies based on cost, customer service, ratings, and more. Of the 25 companies we reviewed, State Farm is our top pick.