Covering the automotive industry since 1955 with in-depth reviews and analysis, features, auto show reporting, and advice for car owners and buyers.
Covering the automotive industry since 1955 with in-depth reviews and analysis, features, auto show reporting, and advice for car owners and buyers.
practicing on Motion F1 Simulators. The Motion F1 replica is the best in the market, capable for professional driver trainings. You can save a lot on your tests if you learn the racetrack on a F1 Simulator car and keep your mind trained for the racecar driving. We know it works 100% ...
此外悬挂结构也有所改变,前悬挂由双叉臂悬挂改为麦弗逊悬挂,算是一种倒退,不过无伤大雅。 值得一提的是,从2002到2003年,第二代CR-V连续两年获得了权威杂志《Car and Driver》的年度最佳SUV称号,一片大好的形势就连本田自身也始料未及。但敏锐的直觉让本田意识到了中国市场这片新兴蓝海的巨大商机,在2004年中旬,...
F1’s Drag Reduction System (DRS), first introduced in 2011, has been retained. When a driver is within one second of the car in front, they can press a button that opens a slot in the rear wing, allowing it to travel faster in a straight line and making it easier to overtake. ...
The F1-75, Scuderia Ferrari’s challenger for the 2022 Formula 1 World Championship, was presented online this afternoon at the Gestione Sportiva in Maranello. The car is the 68th that the company has built to compete in motor racing’s blue riband categ
A recap of what happened in the world of F1 over the winter, plus outlooks for every team for 2013. Read our full 2013 Formula 1 preview at Car and Driver.
We make a new car every year, and then we spend the rest of the season trying to understand what it is we've built to make it better, 每年我们都造出新的赛车, 然后在这一年剩下的时间中 分析和理解新赛车的特性, to make it faster. ...
The handle is quick, correct, precise because of Formula Factory's legendary engineering. Putting the driver and car in perfect collaboration. It is almost you just "think" wherever you want the racecar to go. You can go for racing in Monaco, Australia, Italy, Spain, USA and dozen of ot...
A Mercedes F1 car driven to victory by five-time World Champion Juan Manuel Fangio – and that also set a fastest lap with legendary driver Stirling Moss at the wheel – is going up for auction, with the price set at $50,000,000.