Michael Simari|Car and Driver The Accord may have to look over its shoulder in the coming years, as its archrival the Toyota Camry was right on its heels for a spot on the 10Best list this year. However close it may be, close isn't enough. Tech editor Dan Edmunds's postscript to ...
Best Old Car Ads from Car and Driver's Archive Ezra Dyer: Owning a 911 Porsche Taycan Turbo S Stars in 'Den of Thieves 2' Car and Driver, November/December 2024 Issue Mazda MX-5 Miata History, from 1989 to Today MasterCraft and Silverado Share V-8s, Sort Of...
得益于通用集团内部丰厚的资源,昂科拉在配置方面也有着十分突出的表现,18英寸的轮毂以及各种便利性配置让它在车流中永远都显得鹤立鸡群。 年度跨界SUV 作为讴歌旗下一款入门级跨界车型,RDX将时尚动感的外观设计、出众的动力性能与燃油经济性、智能的动力与操控完美融合,自9月份在国内上市以来,便深受国内都市新锐精英们的...
这也是在国际车坛享有盛誉的“10BEST”大奖引入中国后的第八届颁奖。同时,典礼现场还宣布了《名车志 CAR AND DRIVER》手机 APP 的首发上市,未来将致力于打造数字媒体全平台。 赫斯特媒体广告集团中国董事总经理杨玟女士及 《名车志CAR AND DRIVER》高层致辞 2013《名车志CAR AND DRIVER》年度十佳车真车亮相,惊艳全场...
北京2013年1月11日电 /美通社/ -- 昨天,由国内较早的权威汽车杂志《名车志 CAR AND DRIVER》主办的2012 “10BEST年度十佳车颁奖盛典”在北京奥林匹克公园玲珑塔举行。这是国际车坛享有盛誉的美国《Car and Driver》“10BEST”大奖引入中国后的第七届颁奖。本年度的颁奖典礼除了传承历届“10BEST”大奖精髓,甄选年...
Covering the automotive industry since 1955 with in-depth reviews and analysis, features, auto show reporting, and advice for car owners and buyers.
广州2010年12月22电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 近日,广州富力君悦大酒店星光璀璨,2010《名车志Car and Driver》年度汽车用品推荐大奖名单在此正式揭晓。这个让无数车迷激情澎湃的奖项今年是第二届评选,代表了专业汽车媒体对于汽车用品品牌的认可与推荐。本次大奖共有27个品牌与产品入围,近百名国内外知名汽车企业高层、业内专...
岁末年初,又到了一年一度评选Top 10 Best Car的时候啦。或者很多消费者会认为市面火热的车型一般都能凭借不错的销量成绩包揽这次排行榜的前10,尤其是那些诸如凯美瑞或者卡罗拉这样子的家用车,但如果真的这么想的话就错了。像外媒caranddriver的编辑们,除了针对和消费者一样注重的油耗和车辆品质之外,性能表现也成为了...
Here, we run down our 10 top picks among SUVs for company car drivers to help you narrow down your options before you choose the right model for your needs. For each one we give our road testers' rating out of five, our favourite version as afleet car, the list price and the monthl...
You’ll find a lot of “practical” publications that say most SUV owners really should have gotten a minivan. The folks atRoad and Driverstill think everyone should have a sports coupe with a stick shift. Not us. SUVs are the big tent vehicle of our era for a reason. ...