Even if you buy car insurance the next day, that policy would apply only to accidents that happen after you buy it. The outlook is slightly better if someone else hits you, since the driver who’s at fault typically is responsible for damage in a car accident. But state laws may limit...
When the cost of your car repair is more than the cost of your vehicle, this is known as a “total loss”. The insurance company will attempt to give you what it considers the Actual Cash Value (ACV) of your motor vehicle. This will also increase arguments because you may think your ...
How much does car insurance cost by vehicle type? The type of vehicle you drive has a significant impact on your car insurance premium. The price and availability of parts, cost of labor, statistical likelihood of accidents, how much damage your vehicle could cause during an accident and the...
yourcomprehensiveorcollisioninsurance. Because of this, some insurers require both comprehensive and collision coverage on your policy; others only require comprehensive. If you only have comprehensive and not collision, you would not have rental reimbursement for accidents that fall under the collision ...
Therefore, you should contact a personal injury lawyer experienced in car accidents if you are in an accident in any no-fault state to determine and analyze the relevant laws. Choice no-fault Choice no-fault insurance laws create two classes of insured drivers in some states by retaining parts...
You'll want to shop for car insurance every few years, to be sure that you're getting the best of current rates and coverage options. Especially if you have any violations or accidents on your record, be sure to browse your car insurance options every three to five years so you can get...
Car accidents are, unfortunately, a common tragedy in America today. They can be frightening and painful, and filing an insurance claim afterward can be complicated. At such a difficult time, finding legal representation can relieve this burden so you can focus on healing from your injuries. ...
Car Accident Lawyer Best Car Accident Legal Help California Time Limit for California Auto Accident Lawsuit Car Accident Liability Car Accidents and Insurance Issues Car Accidents Involving Pedestrians Motorcycle Accidents Truck Accidents References
Alison Tobin is a car insurance editor for U.S. News & World Report. She joined the organization in 2024 but has been covering insurance content for seven years. She is dedicated to helping readers make more informed insurance decisions. ...
When accidents happen, car insurance helps protect your finances by helping cover the resulting bills. The amount of coverage you have will depend your specific policy, but policies vary in costs and terms. That's why choosing the best car insurance to meet your needs is important. In this g...