Overall, the best way to avoid car accident injuries is to drive safely and defensively, always wear your seat belt, and follow traffic laws and regulations. Additionally, avoid driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, avoid distractions while driving, and always use a child car seat p...
Prevention of Car Accident Injuries Retinal Detachment One common car accident injury that often remains unnoticed until becoming severe, isretinal detachment. Suddenly appearing blurred vision and flashes, floaters and “curtains” in your visual field are most obvious symptoms. Blurred vision after a ...
Call (866) 303-8859 to Speak with Our AttorneysCar Accident Lawyers With Nationwide ReachDealing with the fallout from a car accident can be extremely frustrating. Not only do car accidents leave you with injuries that may take years to heal, but they also burden you with expensive medical ...
In Washington, accidents with property damage exceeding $1,000 must be reported even if there are no injuries. When emergency personnel arrive, cooperate, but do not suggest that you are to blame for the accident. Liability can be difficult to determine without additional crash information. If ...
Car Accident InjuriesEric Morris
What to do if you are injured as a passenger in a car accident Frequently asked questions Having an accident can be a frightening and stressful experience, no matter how minor it might seem. An accident with injuries can be even more stressful, and it can be difficult to know what to do...
Our team of medical specialists are experts in automobile injuries and prepared to give accident victims a proper examination.We serve the entire Houston metro area and surrounding cities. We have a provider close to you. We would love to teach you some things you should know if you have been...
Neck injuries are the most common type of car accident injury. Even a seemingly minor accident can cause damage to the neck and spine.
Around 78% of all pedestrian-related accidents took place at an intersection. In most cases, pedestrians were hit when they were trying to cross safely with the traffic light flashing green on their side. Most Common Car Accident Injuries In Chicago ...