Insurance Claims Center After an accident occurs, it's time to decide whether or not it's worth it to file a claim. Don't rush to contact your insurer just yet - read about what to expect first. »More on the Claims Process
August 12th 2005 I was in a care accident. My car insurance had lapsed a week prior. The accident was my fault. The other driver of the other car hoped out and begged my not to call the police because he only had five days left on patrol. He said he would just tell his insurance...
"Once you've been involved in an accident of any type, insurance companies see you as riskier to insure," LendingTree auto insurance expert and licensed insurance agent Rob Bhatt said in a statement. "Your rates will eventually come down if you avoid claims for three to five years, ...
Compare rates Bankrate promiseOn this pageSummary On This Page Will an accident increase my insurance premium? How long does an accident stay on your driving record? Why do insurance rates go up after an accident? Can I prevent my insurance rates from going up after an accident?
Car insurance will cover rental costs after a qualifying claim is filed and approved. However, you must already have rental reimbursement on your policy prior to the accident for there to be coverage. If you are not at fault, the other driver’sproperty damage liability insurancewill likely pay...
Ascar safety technologyreduces the likelihood and severity of accidents, it logically follows that vehicles equipped with these features should attract lower insurance premiums. Here's how these technologies impact insurance rates: Reduced Accident Frequency: ...
"California kept rates frozen for longer than any other state. And during that time, costs were getting more expensive nationally and in the state. Accident rates were increasing. Inflation, particularly for vehicle repairs and maintenance and for new vehicles, kept getting worse. Natural disasters...
With 1 accident$2,940 With 1 DUI$3,538 *Annual rate Age and gender Generally speaking, car insurance rates become cheaper as you get older, the logic being that more experienced drivers are safer drivers.Senior citizens(defined here as married 60-year-olds) pay the least, on average, for...
Car insurance companies consider many factors when calculating premiums, including the type of car you drive. In general, vehicles with more safety features and lower accident rates will cost less to insure than those more likely to be involved in an accident. Luxury cars and sports cars also ...
New Hampshire doesn't require car insurance.1 Virginia lets drivers opt out of buying car insurance by paying a $500 fee.2 However, both states have financial responsibility laws that mean you could be held liable for damages if you cause an accident. Without insurance, you will also be on...