While being polite is a must, drivers should be careful to avoid oversharing. For example, it can be detrimental to an insurance claim if someone admits his or her fault at the scene of the accident. Similarly, vehicle operators involved in a collision should not sign any documents unless th...
covering the damages and whose fault it was. An experienced car accident lawyer can help the client negotiate with insurance providers. Dealing with these types of case on your own is likely to be an overwhelming task because of the intricate and complex...
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After a victim submits their claim of all the personal injury and other losses, the negligent driver’s insurance company then carries on an investigation about the car accident. They look into the official police report that the victim must have filed after the accident, photographs of both th...
Even if they receive a ticket, the insurance company can still either deny your claim or deny liability if you bring a lawsuit. And the police officer will not be able to testify as to who is “at fault”. 5. If the owner of the car that caused the accident is not the person who...
Car Accident Lawyers Questions & AnswersGet a FREE Consultation Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Q: If I’ve Been in a Car Accident, do I Need a Lawyer?A: It depends. If you did not suffer any injuries in the accident, you may settle your insurance claim without need for...
The laws of the state in which the accident occurs determine who pays for the damages from an automobile accident. Basically, in a no-fault insurance state, fault is not placed on either party, and each driver generally submits a claim to his or her own insurance company instead of establi...
Try not to feel as if you're asking for too much if you are doing everything right. Negotiating can be stressful, but it's the only way to settle a car accident claim. The insurance agent may ask you to settle the claim before repairs are made. ...
What should I do right after a car accident happens? Do I need to report every car crash? How do I know if my insurance covers the damages from a fender-bender? Can taking photos at the accident scene help me with my insurance claim?
Accident FormsAccident Claims WorksheetNotice of Insurance ClaimRelease for Personal Injury You’ve Been in a Car Accident. Now What? It’s a fact of life that car accidents happen every day, but when you’re involved in an accident -- even if it’s just a minor fender bender -- underst...