There Is No Risk In Talking To An Attorney. Get The Help You Need. SE HABLA ESPAÑOL. We accept all cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will owe us nothing if we cannot recover compensation for you. To get started and discuss your case with one of our personal injury lawyer...
I’m a New Orleans Car Accident Attorney and the managing partner of the Gertler Law Firm. I’d like to share with you a brief story about a young man we represented not so long ago. His story will detail the impact a serious car accident can have on an individual, and the difference...
Looking for an experienced New Orleans personal injury attorney (Personal Injury Lawyer), New Orleans car accident lawyer near you, or Louisiana Worker's Compensation lawyer? We've been helping residents in Louisiana since 1995. FREE Consultations! Call
At the Lavis Law Firm, we have assisted many clients battling with their insurance company or the insurance companies of other parties involved in the accident over denied claims or undervalued settlements. We have years of experience helping individuals in New Orleans and the surrounding areas who ...