capwap source interface vlanif ``` 这段代码的含义是设置Capwap数据包的源接口为已选的vlanif接口,通过这个命令可以将Capwap数据包的源地址设置为vlanif接口的IP地址。这样,WLC就会使用该接口作为数据包的源地址发送Capwap数据包。 通过以上步骤和代码示例,初学者可以轻松地实现“capwap source interface vlanif”命令...
hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceMethod INTEGER(1–3) read-write 用来指定设置的方式,有如下值可以选取: 1:设为缺省方式 2:设为Vlanif方式 3:设为Loopback方式 hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceMethod设为Vlanif方式或Loopback方式时,需与hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceValue同时使用。 与MIB文件定义一致。翻译...
hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceValue Integer32 read-write 当hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceMethod设置为vlanif(2)或loopback(3)时,通过该节点标识具体接口编号。 与MIB文件定义一致。 翻译 收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2024-11-20 文档编号:EDOC1100332327 浏览量:210000 ...
CAPWAP协议将AP的控制面和数据面分离,使得AP的管理和配置更加集中和灵活。 2. “source interface vlanif 100”在CAPWAP配置中的含义 在CAPWAP配置中,“source interface vlanif 100”指定了CAPWAP隧道的源接口为VLAN接口100(Vlanif 100)。这意味着所有通过CAPWAP隧道传输的数据包都将通过VLAN 100进行封装和传输。这个...
# 配置Router的接口GE1/0/0加入VLAN101,创建接口VLANIF101并配置IP地址为10.1.2.2/24。 <Huawei>system-view[Huawei]sysname Router[Router]vlan batch 101[Router]interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0[Router-GigabitEthernet1/0/0]port link-type trunk[Router-GigabitEthernet1/0/0]port trunk allow-pass vlan ...
如需修改源接口,需要先执行命令undo capwap source interface{loopbackloopback-number|vlanifvlan-id}删除该源接口,才能重新配置。 操作步骤 进入系统视图。 system-view 配置CAPWAP源接口。 capwap source interfacevlanifvlan-id 或者 capwap source interfaceloopbackloopback-number ...
To change the source interface, run the undo capwap source interface { loopback loopback-number | vlanif vlan-id } command first to delete the source interface. Procedure Enter the system view. system-view Configure the CAPWAP source interface. capwap source interface vlanif vlan-id Or capwap...
1: Default method 2: VLANIF method 3: Loopback method When hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceMethod is set to VLANIF or Loopback method, hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceMethod must be used together with hwWlanCapwapSourceInterfaceValue. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB file.T...
AC's source interface address VLANIF 100: AP group Name: ap-group1 Referenced profiles: AP system profile ap-system, VAP profile wlan-net, and regulatory domain profile default Regulatory domain profile Name: default Country code: CN SSID profile Name: wlan...
ip route-static Vlanif3030 description FiberEntry # capwap source interface vlanif3030 # Solución Analysis: is the source ip range of STA. is the source ip range of AP. 1) When configure “capwap source interface vlanif3030”,...