capwap dtls control-link encrypt 缺省情况下,控制隧道DTLS加密功能使能。 敏感信息加密 配置敏感信息加密预共享密钥 capwap sensitive-info psk 缺省情况下,使用设备默认的敏感信息加密密钥。 - 完整性校验 配置CAPWAP报文完整性校验预共享密钥 capwap message-integrity psk ...
capwap control-link-priority{local|remote}priority-value 缺省情况下,CAPWAP管理报文的优先级为7。 优先级取值越大,优先级越高,链路的可靠性越高。建议使用缺省值。 须知: 配置localpriority-value即AC到AP的CAPWAP管理报文优先级时,请注意设置为4~7,以避免管理通道可能在大业务流量冲击下中断。
Error Message %CAPWAP-3-DTLS_CLOSED_ERR: [hex]:[hex]:[hex]:[hex]:[hex]:[hex]: DTLS connection closed forAP [int]:[int]:[int]:[int] ([int]), Controller: [int]:[int]:[int]:[int] ([int]) [chars] Explanation The DTLS connection closed for the AP due to an unknown reason....
The invention provides a control and provisioning of wireless access point (CAPWAP) message processing method and a processing device. The method comprises the following steps: detecting a message to be sent and when an identification information element contained in the message is detected, confirming...
的标准CAPWAP协议.doc,国人CAPWAP协议 消息头 消息类型 Discovery request 使用描述: 用于执行AC发现,报文中携带的是AP的主要特征信息。 标准属性描述 必须携带以下属性: Discovery Type; AP发现AC的方式 WTP Board Data; AP的硬件信息 WTP Descriptor; AP的硬件版本信息
[*05/03/2020 16:23:59.8326] CAPWAP SM handler: Failed to process message type 2 state 2. [*05/03/2020 16:23:59.8326] Failed to handle capwap control message from controller - status 4 [*05/03/2020 16:23:59.8326] Failed to process unencrypted capwap packet 0x1dfe000 from 192.168....
/click/nss_lag_control/capwap_state: No such file or directoryApr 20 15:11:49 capwapd[5437]: Check lagloadbalance setting flex_mode 1 cfg0 linkstate 1 ap_type 83Apr 20 15:11:49 kernel: [*04/20/2023 15:11:49.6627] Current session mode:ssh, Configured: Telnet-No, SSH-Yes, ...
Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up {{ message }} ssh-keyring / openCAPWAP-OpenWRT Public forked from iosifpeterfi/openCAPWAP-OpenWRT Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 ...
Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up {{ message }} ssh-keyring / openCAPWAP-OpenWRT Public forked from iosifpeterfi/openCAPWAP-OpenWRT Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 ...
CAPWAP—WTP发现AC 应用中心刘春龙 发现阶段的整体状态机 DiscoveryRequest DiscoveryResponse 注:如果WTP静态配置了AC,可跳过发现阶段 AC发现机制 WTP使用AC发现机制来得知哪些AC是可用的,决定最佳的AC来建立CAPWAP连接。常用的AC发现方法:①二层网络发现:单播发现②二层网络发现:广播发现③三层网络发现:DHCPoption43...