self.videoDataOutput!.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: self.bufferFrameQueue) } I am trying to specify output size to be 960x720 in video settings. However, it doesnt seem to work. Any other way to get the vidao data output in a custom lower resolution?
addOutput: 添加输出canAddOutput: 是否能添加AVCaptureSession *captureSession=<#Get a capture session#>;AVCaptureMovieFileOutput *movieOutput=<#Create and configure a movie output#>;if ([captureSession canAddOutput:movieOutput]) {[captureSession addOutput:movieOutput];}else {// Handle the failure...
t support both Live Photo capture and movie file output. If your capture session includes anAVCaptureMovieFileOutputobject, theisLivePhotoCaptureSupportedproperty becomesfalse. (As an alternative, you can use theAVCaptureVideoDataOutputclass to output video buffers at the same resolution as a ...
width), (__bridge NSString*) kCVPixelBufferHeightKey:@(outputResolution.height), (__bridge NSString*) kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey : @YES, (__bridge NSString*) kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey : @{}}; OSStatus ret = VTCompressionSessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, outputResolution...
And MAXIMUM refers to the camera device's maximum output resolution for that format or target from StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes. To use these tables, determine the number and the formats/targets of outputs needed, and find the row(s) of the table with those targets. The sizes ...
IsHighResolutionCaptureEnabled 高解像度キャプチャを有効にするかどうかを制御するブール値を取得または設定します。 IsLensStabilizationDuringBracketedCaptureSupported かっこで囲まれた画像のキャプチャ中に安定化がサポートされているかどうかを示すブール値を取得します。 IsLivePhotoAutoTrimmingEna...
A container for image data from a photo capture output. AVCaptureDeferredPhotoProxy A lightly-processed photo with data that the system may use to process and fetch a higher-resolution asset at a later time. AVCapturePhotoOutput A capture output for still image, Live Photos, and other photog...
30=== 22:38:30: Multithreaded optimizations: On 22:38:30: Base resolution: 1920x1080 22:38:30: Output resolution: 1280x720 22:38:30: --- 22:38:30: Loading up D3D10 on AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series... 22:38:30: --- 22:38:30: Audio Format: 48000hz 22:38:30: Playback device...
* Support microphone input ,audio output ;- (optional,pls check each model's connection port); * Support input max resolution 4K 30Hz or 4K 60Hz; -optional * Support output max resolution 1080P 30Hz or 60Hz; -optional * Support AWG26 HDMI standard cable: input up to 15 meters, (1080P...
Source下Camera为输出的相机,Camera Overrides下Resolution为输出分辨率,Start/Stop下Start Paused为开始录制先暂停,如果 打开在线渲染需要将其关闭,Stop Mode为终止方式,一般选择默认的Frames Encoded就可以。 Visual选项卡 将General选项卡切换到Visual,Down Scale为输出分辨率的比率,可选择原始,二分之一,四分之一,八分...