Capto MMC ImpRes multimodal chromatography resin Designed for modern, large-scale manufacturers, this resin is used for high-resolution polishing of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other biomolecules. From 311.00 USD Configure your product Pack size 1 L 5 L 10 L 25 ...
内容提示: imagination at workData fi le 29-0356-74 AA Multimodal chromatographyCapto ™ MMC ImpResCapto MMC ImpRes (Fig 1) is a BioProcess™ chromatography medium (resin) for high-resolution polishing of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and other biomolecules. The weak cation exchange multimodal ...
MMCImpRes CaptoMMCImpRes(Fig1)isaBioProcess™chromatography medium(resin) orhigh-resolutionpolishingo monoclonal antibodies(MAbs)andotherbiomolecules.Theweakcation exchangemultimodalligandenableshighbindingselectivity inabroadpH/saltwindowcomparedwithtraditionalion exchangers,whichallowsthepossibilitytosolvechallenging pu...
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Diamond MMC MustangMixed-mode resinDiamond MMC Mustang is a relatively new mixed-mode resin, which mediates both cation exchange and hydrophobic interactions. In this work, we evaluated this resin using Cytiva's Capto MMC ImpRes, a well-established mixed-mode resin with similar properties, as a...
Novel core bead technology and multimodal ligand give Capto Core 400 dual functionality, size exclusion and binding chromatography, in one chromatography resin. Capto MMC ImpRes multimodal chromatography resin Designed for modern, large-scale manufacturers, this resin is used for high-resolution polishing...
In this work, with two concrete cases (WuXiBodies with asymmetric and symmetric designs, respectively), we showed that Capto MMC ImpRes mixed-mode chromatography can effectively remove LC-missing byproducts as well as aggregates, demonstrating that this resin is a powerful tool for WuXiBody ...
Capto adhere ImpRes multimodal chromatography resin This multimodal, strong anion exchange resin supports effective mAb polishing in the second or third step of a purification scheme downstream of the protein A capture step. From 327.00 USD Configure your product Pack size 1...