adb shellsettings put global captive_portal_https_url下面语句对安卓7.1/7.0有效 adb shellsettings delete global captive_portal_server adb shellsettings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0 2017-12-12 回复喜欢 zhaz 开了小飞机就有感叹号 关了小飞机就没有 有...
Firefox不停地GET /success.txt。 解决方法很简单: 打开about:config 搜索network.captive-portal-service.enabled Value改成false 转自: Firefox关闭captive portal detection,不再不停地success.txt - 白帽子 - 二一个 - Powered by Discuz!
Captive Portal Hotspot Detection AnyConnect displays the "Unable to contact VPN server" error message on the GUI if it cannot connect, regardless of the cause. The VPN server specifies the secure gateway. If Always-on is enabled and a captive portal is not present, the client con...
A method for detecting a captive portal on a Wi-Fi network in which a device generates a random private IP address and attempts a TCP connection on HTTP port 80 and HTTP port 8080. Upon an unsuccessful TCP connection a determination is made that no captive portal is associated with the Wi...
Not so much. Check your browser settings and ensure that pop-ups are enabled. Flush your computer’s DNS cache. If you are using a computer, try flushing its DNS cache. This cache stores all the domains and websites you’ve visited (or attempted to visit). So understandably, this can ...
*webauthRedirect: Apr 09 21:49:51.949: captive-bypass detection enabled, checking for wispr in HTTP GET, client mac=34:e1:2d:23:a6:68 *webauthRedirect: Apr 09 21:49:51.949: captiveNetworkMode enabled, mac=34:e1:2d:23:a6:68 user_agent = AnyConnect Agent 4.7.04056 ...
1 == enabled, all other values will disable it --> <integer name="def_captive_portal_detection_enable">0</integer> + <string name="def_captive_portal_server"></string> frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/ ...
Click on each Captive Portal and make sure it is enabled and associated with that same interface. If you want a login page instead of a simple "acccept" prompt, also make sure an authentication server is assigned and that you have credentials there for testing (note, for local database, ...
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 1 settings put global captive_portal_mode 1 settings put global captive_portal_use_https 0 settings put global captive_portal_server settings put global captive_portal_http_url setting...
The present invention relates to a method for detecting a captive portal, wherein a device generates a random private Internet protocol (IP) address and attempts to make a transmission control protocol (TCP) connection on a hypertext transmission protocol (HTTP) port 80 and an HTTP 8080. When ...