If there’s an ongoing transcription, they must first turn it off or turn off the feature that started the transcription. Then, they must manually turn transcription on again. Set up live translated captions in an event In town halls and live events, organizers preselect which language...
If there’s an ongoing transcription, they must first turn it off or turn off the feature that started the transcription. Then, they must manually turn transcription on again. Set up live translated captions in an event In town halls and live events, organizers prese...
Set up live translated captions in an event In town halls and live events, organizers preselect which languages attendees can see live captions in. Organizers can select six languages, or ten if they have Premium, from over 50 different languages. To set up live translated capti...
Add aphotocomponent to display an image in your article. Add two types of captions: one that appears in the article layout and another that appears when the image is in full screen. Make the photo bleed to both edges of the display by using theignoreDocumentMarginproperty with a value of"...
In theMeeting spoken languagedropdown menu, select the language everyone is speaking from the dropdown menu. SelectUpdateto change. Important:For other participants to access the meeting spoken language, transcription must be turned off. If there’s an ongoing transcription...
29. “In the sky an infinitude of hope, a canvas of glory—all possibilities mine.”– Terri Guillemets You will also enjoy our article onorange quotes. 30. “The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson Sky quotes to help you reach your highest potential ...
Create an ink transition effect Tutorial article • Intermediate • 5 min Learn Learn with step-by-step video tutorials and hands-on guidance right in the app. Community Post queries and get answers from experts in the community. Discover Stay on top of creative trends with how-tos an...
Script: The script is the backbone of your project. It contains all your transcribed video and audio, allowing you to edit recordings just like text. This makes it easy to make precise edits and adjustments to your content. We have an entire article and video dedicated to adding in script ...
Here is an example of a customized caption format: % Custom caption \documentclass{article} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage{graphicx} \DeclareCaptionFormat{custom} {% \textbf{#1#2}\textit{\small#3} } \captionsetup{format=custom}
Theater in Chicago will always be my first love. Blown away by the Windy City! Finally made it to Chicago. It’s boat time! In Chicago, I’m in the Loop. I love Chicago, but I’m ready to get the L out of here. A trip to Chicago is an L-elevated experience. ...