Captioned Telephone Service captioning captionless captions captions captions captious captiously captiousness CAPTISM Captiva Captiva Captiva Property Owners Association captivance captivate captivated captivatedly captivates captivating Captivating (book) Captivating Creations by Valerie captivatingly captivation capt...
We have been fine tuning our captioned telephone service for the hard-of-hearing since 2010 to give you the best captioned phone experience. Sign up now » CaptionCall and Hearing Aids Work Together You can use hearing aids and call captioning together. In fact, if your hearing aids have ...
“I couldn’t even use a telephone anymore. So when I had an opportunity to try the CaptionCall telephone, I said, ‘this is for me. This is what I’ve been needing.” Tony L. Air Force Paramedic, Gulf War “My thought is that you provide a very good service for the Veteran commu...
n. the first section of any written legal pleading (papers) to be filed, which contains the name, address, telephone number of the attorney, the person or persons the attorney represents, the court name, the title of the case, the number of the case, and the title of the documents (co...
“telephone?” you sit in a circle and whisper things around the circle. by the time your phrase gets back to you, it has changed so much that it’s nothing like the original. everyone giggles and laughs. at least that’s how it usually worked. new in […] photo: hasbro save save...
The CVAA was passed in 2010, modernizing and broadening a string of laws passed in the 1980s and 1990s that were designed to ensure that TV and telephone services were accessible to people with disabilities. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) enforces compliance with the CVAA and clarifi...
The user device is preferably a portable hand-held device such as a mobile telephone, PDA or the like.Hosking, Ian MichaelJones, Aled WynneReynolds, Michael RaymondKelly, Peter JohnEmmens, Michael David
Code for "bootstrap, review, decode: using out-of-domain textual data to improve image captioning" - Semi-Supervised-Image-Captioning/Data/flickr/captions_val.json at master · wenhuchen/Semi-Supervised-Image-Captioning
Network connections external to the home network can be of any conventional type sufficient to provide a connection to a remote content source, including but not limited to the public switched telephone network, cable network, and satellite network. [0025] FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary decoder...
“I couldn’t even use a telephone anymore. So when I had an opportunity to try the CaptionCall telephone, I said, ‘this is for me. This is what I’ve been needing.” Tony L. Air Force Paramedic, Gulf War “My thought is that you provide a very good service for the Veteran commu...