Solve Captcha Using CNN Model Training: 4-digits Captcha Training: 4-letters Captcha Inference: load trained model and predict given images Generate DataSet for Training Usage Example 1: 4 chars per captcha, use digits only Example 2: sampling random images...
切记,ModelName 是绑定一个模型的唯一标志,如果修改了训练参数如:ImageWidth,ImageHeight,Resize,CharSet,CNNNetwork,RecurrentNetwork,HiddenNum 这类影响计算图的参数,需要删除model路径下的旧文件,重新训练,或者使用新的ModelName 重新训练,否则默认作为断点续练。 准备工作 如果你准备使用GPU训练,请先安装CUDA和cuDNN,...
[验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model. - linxiaozhi/captcha_trainer
验证码识别 - 该项目是基于 CNN5/DenseNet+BLSTM/LSTM+CTC 来实现验证码识别. 该项目仅用于训练,如果需要部署模型请移步: (通用WEB服务,HTTP请求调用) (动态链接库,DLL调用,基于TensoFlow C++)
[验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model. - kerlomz/captcha_trainer
[验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model. - yinsin/captcha_trainer
[验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model. - namesu/captcha_trainer