The problem:Bots grew smarter over time. As technology advanced, the captchas became harder to solve. Look at the frustration with captchas a Redditor posted in 2008: “Now this might be due to eye sight getting worse or whatever but I am seriously starting to find CAPTCHAs increasingly im...
even if you type the correct captcha, ReCaptcha will keep returning an error “Your response to the CAPTCHA appears to be invalid. Please re-verify that you’re not a robot below” over and over again. The culprit of this error might be the caches in DNS & in your browser, Chromium-... A user in our organisation is getting redirected to this page when opening the o365 webmail (owa).Wietsedr arnevh Hello, Somehow her local cache was triggering the issue. It worked everywhere until she used her laptop and then we had the...
The messages haven't been sent. Can anyone provide a solution please? You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Link Register on MacRumors! This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads. Sign Up ...
I sometimes need DOZENS of next next next next try fail try fail next next next next next try - attempts ... just to make one posting. *meh* Please lower...