Captain Toad™: Treasure Tracker - Special Episode 2/13/19 DLC bundle Regular Price:$5.99 Nintendo Switch Related items to explore Super Mario™ 3D World + Bowser’s Fury 2/12/21 Regular Price:$59.99 Nintendo Switch Toad 8" Plush ...
《蘑菇队长:宝藏追踪(Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker)》游民星空点评8.6分 解谜游戏的典范之作 任天堂在之前的直面会上谈及未来会更加重视WiiU的硬件差异性来开发游戏软件,以提升游戏平台的特有魅力。在《蘑菇队长》中我们可以体验到这种理念的实现效果。通过GamePad更加丰富的交互模式,游戏中提供的70个“箱庭”关卡都...
Characters CaptainToad Captain of the treasure hunting Toad Brigade.What he lacks a bit in reliability he makes up for in courage. Toadette Searches for treasure alongside Captain Toad.She's arguably the more well put together of them.
Captain Toad™: Treasure Tracker - Special Episode 2/13/19 DLC bundle Regular Price:$5.99 Nintendo Switch More like this Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair 10/8/19 Regular Price:$29.99 Nintendo Switch BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!™ 4/26/19 ...
Captain Toad, originally known as the Toad Brigade captain or Toad Captain, is a character who first appears in Super Mario Galaxy. He is a red Toad with an oversized backpack and a headlamp, the former preventing him from being able to jump. He is...
《蘑菇队长:宝藏追踪(Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker)》游民星空点评8.6分 解谜游戏的典范之作 虽然这些元素都让《蘑菇队长》俨然如同一个“关卡设计的教科书”,可能值得对解谜游戏感兴趣的玩家体验,以及游戏策划们揣摩学习。但作为游戏,《蘑菇队长》还是缺乏一些让人眼前一亮的特色,玩家也无法对其进行更加深入的挖掘。
《蘑菇队长:宝藏追踪(Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker)》游民星空点评8.6分 解谜游戏的典范之作 无论是解谜游戏的爱好者还是设计者,本作都可以称得上是一部精彩绝伦的教科书。启动游民星空APP 查看《黑神话》互动地图 下载App《蘑菇队长:宝藏追踪(Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker)》游民星空点评8.6分 解谜游戏的典范之作...
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a puzzle-platforming game on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS, both versions being released on July 13, 2018. They are both ports of the Wii U game of the same name. Rather than providing a side story corresponding to the events of Super Mario 3D Wor...
#蘑菇队长#CAPTAIN#TOAD #超级玛丽 #NS #switch #switch游戏 #游戏攻略#解谜 #这个游戏很好玩 - 老季打游戏于20230108发布在抖音,已经收获了1122个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!! Today we’re going back to the wonderful world of Captain Toad and playing levels in the Special Episode DLC. We’re also playing in co-op mode with one of