Highly detailed and accurate digital replica of Boeing 777-300 and Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. 777-300 Expansion Modelсan be installed to both FSX and Prepar3D. Key Features: • Supports all features of the777-200 Base pack • Boeing 777-300 model with PW 4098 engines • Boeing 777-...
Highly detailed and accurate digital replicas of the Boeing 777-200ER and the 777-200LR aircraft. This product is the Base Pack for the 777 Captain expansion models (-300, -Freighter). Key Features: • Proper Weather Radar (CS exclusive) • Electronic Flight Bag (CS exclusive) • Adva...
It sounds like you’re encountering an issue with the operation of the sun screens in the Captain Sim Boeing 777 within Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Let's troubleshoot this together! Initial Checks First, ensure that your key bindings are properly configured. The default key for cockpit inte...
Captain si..我想问一下机长这侧需要按好几下才能按灭的caution你知道如何解决不……还有就是…这个机模默认的惯导校准时间是多少…?似乎不像767那样快, EICAS上不显示时间,而且也不像767那样有个直观的指
This Compatibility Mod for Captain Sim Boeing 777 Series is a modified version based onSalty Simulations 747 Project,FlyByWire A32NX ProjectandB78XH (B787-10 Heavy) by Heavy Division. This project is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. SeeLICENSE. ...
FSXBoeing B767 All In One(波音767)无与伦比的图像质量和逼真程度 完全根据FSX量身打造 DirectX 9/...
该影片是由刘伟强执导,于勇敢编剧,李锦文监制,张涵予、欧豪、杜江、袁泉、张天爱、李沁领衔主演,张雅玫、杨祺如、高戈联 分享回复赞 fsx吧 chnzjh2010 Captain sim 777--目前最好的Boeing 777插件(fsx only)手头上只有种子。。。 分享60赞 飞机吧 飞行员872 最近看了最新一期的captain joe,作为空客粉的joe与...
- Boeing 777-200ER RR 895 engines variant exterior model added - Malaysia Airlines (9M-MRG) livery added - ND integratedweather radaradded - ND integrated TCAS added - ND Terrain Mode added - ND T/D T/C E/D drawing improved - ND FIX drawing added ...
Oceanic Airlines Boeing 777-200ER by Paul Rickard Date submitted: Feb 14, 2018 Download B777-200ER GE Olympic Airlines by Fabio Lagattolla Date submitted: Jan 02, 2018 Description: Olympic Airlines livery for the Captain Sim B777-200ER GE. Download B777-200ER GE Virgin Atlantic by Fab...