在宣布他们将通过发布用于 MSFS 的新 767-300ER 来扩展他们的 777 产品线几天后,Sim 机长又回到了新闻中。 现在声名狼藉的波音飞机开发商在 Facebook 上宣布推出 767,标题为“欢迎 767-300ER 参加 MSFS2020”。在他们的网站上,开发人员表示只要 39.99 美元,您就可以获得两种配备 PW4000 发动机的客机型号——...
开发商宣布为 MSFS 推出 767 系列最新货运飞机 插件开发商 CaptainSim 宣布推出最新产品,进入其现有的波音长途运输机系列:波音 767-200SF(特种货机)。 该产品于 12 月初在该团队的 Facebook 页面上宣布为“767 机身和发动机型号的独家 CS 系列的下一部分”。 Captain Sim 表示,该产品将按照他们通常的产品在微软...
MSFS2020SIMMARKET FSimStudios – Houston William P. Hobby KHOU MSFS – FSexpo 2023 Airport 15. May 2023/Sebastien MSFS2020SIMMARKET Jetstream Designs – Nantes Atlantique LFRS in MSFS 15. October 2020/Sebastien MSFS2020PREVIEW Aerosoft – Brussels MSFS Work-in-progress ...
767 CAPTAIN III - 767-300ER PW MSFSCAPTAIN SIM MFS20 € 14.99 $ £ ¥ CS 767-300ER LIVERY PACK 25 PW MSFSCAPTAIN SIM MFS20 € 5.00 $ £ ¥ 737 CLASSIC (737-300) BASE PACK P3D4-5CAPTAIN SIM P3D5 € 27.99 $ £ ...
Boeing 767, Boeing 757, Boeing 777, Lockheed L1011, Boeing 737, Boeing 707, Boeing 727, C-130 Hercules, Weapon for FSX, B-52, Space Shuttle, F/A-18D, F-117A, F-104 Starfighter, MiG-21 expansions for MSFS 2020, Prepar3D, MS FSX and FS9.
First Look – Captain Sim SPAD S.XIII (MSFS) Already available via simMarket, the SPAD S.XIII biplane fighter aircraft. It’s a digital replica of the World War I Collection. The S.XIII proved to be one of the most capable fighters of the war, as well as one of the most-produced...
Boeing 767, Boeing 757, Boeing 777, Lockheed L1011, Boeing 737, Boeing 707, Boeing 727, C-130 Hercules, Weapon for FSX, B-52, Space Shuttle, F/A-18D, F-117A, F-104 Starfighter, MiG-21 expansions for MSFS 2020, Prepar3D, MS FSX and FS9.
types/msfstypes wlrs-captainsim-b764-cf6 wlrs-captainsim-b772-PW wlrs-captainsim-b772-ge90 wlrs-captainsim-b772-trent wlrs-captainsim-b773-pw4090 wlrs-captainsim-b773-trent892 wlrs-captainsim-b77f-ge90 wlrs-captainsim-b77l-ge110 ...
New fromCaptain Simis theirFS2004version of theLockheed F-104 Starfightersingle engine jet fighter. The release includes eight models with a total of 15 liveries. For details, click onRead More. One of the most significant jets of the last century the F-104 "Starfighter" add-on for FS2004...
Captain Sim has a knack for implementing the default GPS systems into their aircraft (Minus 757/767 for FSX) However this aircraft does feature a GPS, giving the less experienced simmers more confidence when flying this old bird. However to the more experienced simmer this may come at an inc...