Kirk became Captain of the Enterprise in 2265, after serving as the First Officer of the USS Farragut. Kirk took over the Enterprise from Captain Pike, who had served as the First Officer of the Enterprise before taking the center seat from Captain Robert April (Adrian Holmes). In the 22nd...
Hunter's version of Pike was weary after years of space exploration and commanding hundreds across the dangerous galaxy. When the Starship Enterprise was lured to Talos IV, Pike was abducted by the planet's psychic natives to be a mate for Vina (Susan Oliver), a human woman who was the l...
Videos Get USS Enterprise Captain Ousted
船长驾临舰桥时值星官喊“captain onthe bridge”,其实就跟陆军里面见到长官喊“attention(立正)”一样...
Doing what, exactly, I can’t say. Now, the truly addicting side of the game presents itself through the ability to create just about whatever you can imagine: from castles to roller coasters to erupting volcanoes and even a one-to-one scale replica of the USS Enterprise (yes, dear god...
The Navy is preventing a former commander of the USS Enterprise from retiring from the service until officials can finish an investigation into the showing of lewd videos on the ship. It is the second known personnel action taken in the case in which videos with anti-gay slurs, profanity and...
On stardate 3025.3, the Federation starship USS Enterprise, under the command ofCaptainJames T. Kirk, arrives at a planet in the Omicron Delta system. Dec'halvet eo an USS Enterprise renet gant James T. Kirk ha Spock d'an Douar evit kavout ur reustl en abeg d'un arsailh war Starflee...
LISTEN (text to speech) Read as PDF ... Among the many U.S. Navy and Marine heroes confronting Tripoli's Muslim Barbary pirates was Captain James Lawrence. In 1804, Captain Lawrence was second-in-command, under ...
Captain of the USS Enterprise, Captain James Tiberius Kirk is one of the most renowned Starfleet leaders. Kirk leads his crew to the far reaches of space, Where No Man Has Gone Before. Regarded as a maverick, Captain Kirk strays from the path of Starfleet regulations, but only when the ...
theMS Roald Amundsen. We also plowed through the ice like that and we all got to get out and make snow angels where no one had ever been before. It was just amazing to be at the far end of the Earth like that still be so comfortable. I really enjoyed that cruise and hope to go...