What is the name of the ship commanded by Captain Hook? Captain Hook commands a ship known as the Jolly Roger. This ship serves as the main location for Hook and his crew in the animated series. In the series Once Upon a Time, the ship is also called the Jewel of the Realm. Provi...
I was glad to see such a large crowd. The vendors I talked to said they were selling a few things. I had a booth myself last year. There weren’t many people then and I didn’t sell a single thing all day so I didn’t bother to get one this time (I also thought I would be...
Fallen for it with the proverbial hook, line and sinker. It was a setup. Another Demora setup. No, more than that. This had Chekov's fingerprints all over it. The Russian had made all those oblique comments about living in interesting times, saying that Sulu should be careful what he ...