需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 典范英语7-5-Captain-Comet-and-The-Purple-Planet.pptx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 下载提示 1、该文档为VIP文档,如果想要下载,成为VIP会员后,下载免费。 2、成为VIP后,下载本文档将扣除1次下载权益。下载后,不支持退款、换文档。
1、,1,Captain Comet And The Purple Planet (1-2),2015.11.17,2,Objectives:,To understand Chapter 1 and Chapter2 To master some key words and phrases,3,What did the story take place?What do you know about the outer space?,4,Words relevant to outer space,asteroid,space station,capsule,shu...
Comethadastrangefeeling.Cometwasfloatingabovethefloor.Theplantpotswereallfloating,too.7 FirstListeningp9-p14 1.Whatdoesanasteroidlooklike?Alumpofrock.2.WhatdidCometandSpannerdowhentheysetoffinthespaceshuttle?Tolookforthenewplanet.8 SecondListeningp9-p14 WhatwastheSpanner’sflaglike?Itwasbrightredwithtwo...
典范英语75 Captain Comet and The Purple Planet概要1 ;Captain Comet And The Purple Planet (1-2) ;Objectives: ;What did the story take place? What do you know about the outer space?; Words relevant to outer space ;1. How many main characters are there in this book? Three. They are ...
Captain Comet And The Purple Planet (1) 102020-08 3 Oh Otto !(4) 122020-08 4 Oh Otto! (3) 72020-08 5 Oh Otto! (2) 172020-08 6 Oh Otto!(1) 52020-08 7 Princess Pip's Holiday(4) 172020-07 8 Princess Pip's Holiday(3) 72020-07 9 Princess Pip's Holiday(2) 92020-07 10 ...
2.Cometfiredtheshuttle’sjets.3.Hetriedtomakeasharpturn,thenanother.4.Hemadetheshuttledivetododgethegiantteeth.5.Thenheflewthroughanarrowgapbetweentwogiantasteroids.Thechase:1.Thehugeteethsnappedshutbehindthem.2.Themonsterzoomedtowardsthem.3.Thespacemonsterstoppedchasingthemandflewuptoan asteroidandtooka...
Captain Comet And The Purple Planet (2) 52020-08 6 Captain Comet And The Purple Planet (1) 102020-08 7 Oh Otto !(4) 122020-08 8 Oh Otto! (3) 72020-08 9 Oh Otto! (2) 172020-08 10 Oh Otto!(1) 52020-08 查看更多 猜你喜欢 529 Captain Underpants by:Megan_Bi 2449 Captain Underp...
典范英语 Captain Comet and The Purple Planet课件 下载积分:3000 内容提示: 典范英语7 7- - 5 Captain Comet and The Purple Planet 文档格式:PPT | 页数:26 | 浏览次数:397 | 上传日期:2019-08-23 14:24:08 | 文档星级: 典范英语7 7- - 5 Captain Comet and The Purple Planet 阅读...
Theescape:1.TheystrappedthemselvesintotheirseatsandCometblastedoff.2.Cometfiredtheshuttle’sjets.3.Hetriedtomakeasharpturn,thenanother.4.Hemadetheshuttledivetododgethegiantteeth.5.Thenheflewthroughanarrowgapbetweentwogiantasteroids.10 Thechase:1.Thehugeteethsnappedshutbehindthem.2.Themonsterzoomed...