After shopping, we went for lunch at theGrand Aluetian Hotel. They had a really nice buffet. breakfast/lunch with all the usual-plus.Made to order omelettes, prime rib, ham, biscuits and sausage gravy, chicken breasts, baked halibut, pancakes, blueberry muffins, danish, bagels with cream ...
They mostly moved together, it looked like some sort oforder. Was there a boss fish leading them all around? If there was, I sure couldn’t tell which one it was. They all just seemed to be meandering around, then all of a sudden they would change direction. All together. Weird. Spo...
Also consider the fact that sometimes reviewers can be paid by a website (which is a crime if not disclosed) so you can go and ask any questions you might have on public forums like BitcoinTalk or Reddit. Keep in mind that there can be paid reviewers on these websites as well so try...
I am not in America or American, but politics aren’t any better where I live, and I am so fed up with people pretending it’s “not as bad as fascism” (like, 20th century fascism) or even that “well fascism is not so bad”. I feel physically threatened just for the fact that...
‘All the Way from America’ by Joan Armatrading fits the bill for #8, I think. “You called all the way from America And said ‘hang on to love girl’ But the weeks and the months and the tears Passed by And my eyes couldn’t stand the strain Of that promised love…” Comments...
Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window) #Dutch Harbor#kodiak bears,#Kodiak Island,#M/V Bluefin,#maritime#Norwegian Rat#Rat Bar#Real ...
I believe everyone, everywhere in the world SHOULD be able to exercise those same liberties we here in America are promised. But the fact is, America is the only country, anywhere, ever in the history of the world to form specifically in order to promote and protect the individual rights ...
Saving Democracy with Civic Literacy in America 101 Posted on August 26, 2013 Saving Democracy with Civic Literacy in America 101. I liked seeing this article (in Utne Reader) and I really agree with pretty much everything they said about the need for civic education. I remember we used ...
I don’t care which party you like or where you stand on politics in America, this video is FUNNY. The first time I saw it on Saturday Night Live, I about spit out my tea! Bachman and Boehner are hilarious! Miley Cyrus parodies her own song. I like it much better this way. Sh...
See America lies there The morning tide has raised The capes of Delaware Come up and feel the sun A new morning has begun Another day will make it clear Why your stars should guide us here We are sailing to Philadelphia A world away from the coaly Tyne ...