machine-learningresearchdeep-learningtensorflowsklearnpytorchdeepwalkconvolutionnode2vecgraph-classificationcapsule-networkgraph-attention-networkscapsule-neural-networksgraph-attention-modelstruc2vecgraph-convolutiongnngraph-neural-networkcapsgnn UpdatedMar 18, 2023 ...
A PyTorch implementation of "Capsule Graph Neural Network" (ICLR 2019). Abstract The high-quality node embeddings learned from the Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been applied to a wide range of node-based applications and some of them have achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Howe...
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved excellent performances in many graph-related tasks. However, they need appropriate pooling operations to deal wi
But as advancements in deep learning reach new heights, a new concept has lately been introduced that is a twist on the old neural network architecture – Capsule Networks. It improves on the effectiveness of the old traditional methods and understands even when presented with a situation that is...
both these last two works used attention mechanisms as part of the computational graph of the proposed networks, without modifying the original dynamic routing proposed by Sabour et al.10. In this sense, our approach strongly differs from theirs since we first propose self-attention as a substitut...
A capsule network (CapsNet) is a recently proposed neural network model with a new structure. The purpose of CapsNet is to form activation capsules. In this paper, our team proposes a dual attention mechanism capsule network (DA-CapsNet). In DA-CapsNet, the first layer of the attention mecha...
In this paper, we propose a Graph Routing based on Multi-head Pairwise-relation Attention (GraMPA) that could thoroughly exploit both the semantic and location similarity of capsules in the form of multi-head graphs, to improve the robustness of the capsule network with much fewer parameters. ...
构建了base基类(网络(graph)、向量嵌入(词、字、句子embedding)),后边的具体模型继承它们,代码简单 keras_layers存放一些常用的layer, conf存放项目数据、模型的地址, data存放数据和语料, data_preprocess为数据预处理模块, 模型与论文paper题与地址 FastText:Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification ...
一、Graph to Contextual Tensor 第一部分主要是把graph 提取为 向量表示,为了从图中提取张量,我们执行算法1中描述的步骤。(每一个子图的表示过程和GCN 图神经网络类似,都是表示为向量) 二、Graph Capsule Network 一旦我们有了图Xtr的张量表示,我们就可以使用一个重构的胶囊网络结构作为正则化方法。胶囊网络的架构...
This repository contains an official TensorFlow implementation of Capsule Graph Neural Network (CapsGNN). The implementation of dynamic routing refers to the [code] Package Version networkx 2.2 numpy 1.16.2 scipy 1.2.1 argparse 1.1 tensorflow 1.12.1 Basic Usage Data Preparation We provide the prepr...