I noticed that the individual LED indicator on Caps Lock was not working and staying off in Windows earlier today, the Caps Lock key was - 867676
Caps lock indicator I have a HP laptop with windows 11. Today, as I've been typing on my laptop when I click the caps lock button on my keyboard, it comes up with a notification telling me caps lock is on/off. There is ...
Caps lock indicator I have a HP laptop with windows 11. Today, as I've been typing on my laptop when I click the caps lock button on my keyboard, it comes up with a notification telling me caps lock is on/off. There is ... isabelle2485press the windows key, the type 'installed a...
点击之后,前面的√就去掉了,变成K/B indicator,这时候,切换大小写就不会又图标弹出来提示了。就这么简单。此方法适用于K650C、K650D以及相关类似型号,hotkey驱动版本为7.0027的机型,其他机型请自测。 让那些巧言令色巧取豪夺的奸商从这个世界彻底消失! ——吴海军 厶飘渺厶 超凡船粉 11 这个帖子,我挂在精品贴...
Real-Time Monitoring:Instantly view the current state of Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock. Versatility:No hardware buttons? No problem.Keyboard LEDsempowers users to toggle keyboard locks on devices without dedicated buttons, including embedded systems, Apple keyboards, and remotely connected PC...
使用Caps Lock指示器,您可以播放预设的声音通知或从计算机添加用户定义的音频文件,在按键打开或关闭时调整程序托盘图标的颜色,并在以下情况下在系统托盘中显示气球消息:键处于活动状态或禁用状态。此外,您可以在Windows启动时运行该应用程序。 考虑到所有因素,Caps Lock Indicator使您更容易了解Caps Lock键的状态。直观的...
I frequently forget if my caps lock is on or off so instead of trial and error a simple indicator/Visual feedback could really help Supporting information https://cli.jonaskohl.de/ this is really what I want but I want a windows Dev touch on this, if possibleActivity...
Caps Lock Indicator - Shows current state of Caps Lock switch on the screen as icon near system clock and as floating On-Screen display.
描述 Simply show the caps lock status. That's it! 最新功能 2025年1月7日 版本2.1.0 v2.1.0 - New Functions: Concise Text Mode, Hide Menu Bar Icon. - Improvement: Welcome & Settings Page Window. App 私隱 開發者表明书豪 何的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
1、打开Caps Lock Indicator软件 2、把使用的程序菜单(开始按钮),或通过点击程序图标在您的桌面上,可以启动大写锁定指示灯 下载地址 Caps Lock Indicator v1.2 普通下载地址: 湖北电信下载 湖南电信下载 广东移动下载 山东移动下载 上海电信下载 重庆电信下载 ...