"When Margaret died, I was left without a writer, and since she always insisted that she liked the way I told my stories, I took a deep breath and began to send them to my agent." Ms. Slobodkina took her responsibility as a children's book author seriously. In her memoir she wrote:...
Caps for Sale Big Book 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者: 作者:Slobodkina, Esphyr; Slobodkina, Esphyr; 出品人: 页数:48 译者: 出版时间:1996-1 价格:198.00元 装帧: isbn...
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Caps for Sale Board Book《卖帽子》是一本享誉75年的美国经典童书,被列入美国百本必读书单。线条简单而生动的插画,配合耳熟能详的故事情节,对孩子有着极大的吸引力。而且绘本里的猴子爱模仿的特点也和孩子们爱模仿的天性相似,会有强烈的代入感。 Caps for Sale is a timeless classic beloved by millions...on...
绘本故事《CAPS FOR SALE》- 适合 绘本《CAPS FOR SALE》, 绘本内容 VIP会员查看更多完整内容。 微信搜索「布克船长亲子故事」,关注领取价值128元VIP会员的3天体验期。
绘本《Caps for Sale 卖帽子》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 很久以前,有一个卖帽子的人在一棵大树下睡着了。等他醒来,发现自己的帽子不见了,而在那棵树上,每根树枝上面都坐着一只猴子,每只猴子的头上,都戴着一顶灰色的、或棕色的、或蓝色的、或红色的帽子!卖帽子的人要怎样才能把自己的帽子拿回来呢?
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Based on old folklore, let’s read Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina! If you enjoyed this book, I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy to read with your little ones. You can support the Author (and this podcast) by picking up Caps for Sale here. Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use...
Monkey Business"Caps Caps for sale Fifty cents a cap " The peddler has huge stack of caps, balanced carefully on top of his head. Brown caps, blue caps, gray caps, and red caps. But no one wants to buy a cap. So he goes for a walk in the country, and takes a nap under a ...