After researching the available options and seeking guidance from others, I was interested in getting the PMP certification. Unfortunately, I did not meet the required experience eligibility criteria at that time so I could not apply for PMP certification. Thus, I decided to apply for Entry-level...
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is an entry-level Project Management Certification that is recognized internationally. The eligibility criteria for this certification along with other related information can be found in our previous tutorial. In this tutorial, we will discuss the certific...
First, you’ll explore what makes the PMI-CAPM certification unique, and what eligibility criteria must be met in order to qualify for the exam. Next, you’ll see what to expect from the application process and the exam itself. Finally, you’ll learn what you need to do in order to ...
PMP Certification Eligibility CriteriaPermalink It’s all right to have the motivation to become a PMP, but it is also important to check whether you meet the rigorous eligibility criteria set by PMI, before you invest time in exam preparation. To be eligible for the PMP credential, you...
PMI does not guarantee exam slot availability with Pearson VUE and strongly recommends that candidates book the exam slot: at least six weeks in advance of your preferred test date and at least three months before the expiration of your eligibility period ...
Training was good. Trainer was excellent and maintained a high degree of professionalism through out the training.He had great patience in clarifying all the questions and quoted very good examples to explain the concepts. Overall it was a great experience. ...
prepare for the PMP exam. OSP International LLC has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project management training by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), the company has agreed to abide by PMI established quality assurance criteria...
If you're a project manager, you may be wondering which certification to get. Here's how the CAPM and PMP stack up against each other.
The eligibility criteria require you to have some kind of experience in any project, basic knowledge and know-how of project management, and a secondary degree or equivalent diploma. This certification also requires that the project team member can document their work experience and pass an online...
After researching the available options and seeking guidance from others, I was interested in getting the PMP certification. Unfortunately, I did not meet the required experience eligibility criteria at that time so I could not apply for PMP certification. ...