The lady later told me it was the theatre cleaner who discovered my lost mobile phone and handed it to his supervisor, who later forwarded my mobile phone to the lost and found at the ticket office.I am particularly impressed by how efficient the staff at Capitol Theatre, to me, it ...
Each ticket includes a service fee of $2.78, and applicable taxes. A charge of $2.50 per order is also included to support the Capitol Theatre’s CIF (Capital Improvement Fund). Full payment is required at the time of booking, unless otherwise stated. If you have purchased tickets for a ...
Manship Theatre98 米 River Center Performing Arts Theater449 米 First Baptist Church422 米 路易斯安那艺术科学博物馆255 米 Louisiana State Library636 米 A. Z. Young Park656 米 Downtown250 米 瑞安机场11.98公里 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该...
I love being a part of the history and legacy of The Capitol Theatre. What makes The Cap different from other venues:It is a rare pleasure to see high quality, big name acts in an intimate venue. There is a personal quality about The Cap, and of course, the great acoustics, comfortabl...
Eileen stole a man’s wallet to pay for her ticket to London. Ali stole Eileen’s heart to repay his parents. Dov is a secret agent who poaches strangers’ secrets. The English Bride, a new play by Lucile Lichtblau making its New York debut at 59E59 Theatre, is based on the true ...
Tickets for the event are $30, and are available now at the Capitol box office. The Capitol Theatre stage as it appeared before renovations in the 1980s. The building was constructed in 1927 and functioned for decades as a movie theatre, but fell into disuse in the 1960s. Photo courtesy...
201 Lafayette St, 巴吞鲁日显示地图 开业:2006巴吞鲁日市政中心希尔顿酒店坐落于巴图鲁日中心地段,步行前往密西西比河只需 4 分钟、前往巴吞鲁日河中心需 6 分钟。 此酒店距离路易斯安那州立大学 2.6 英里(4.2 公里),距离虎穴体育场 2.9 英里(4.6 公里)。查看更多 ...
201 Lafayette St, 巴吞鲁日显示地图 开业:2006巴吞鲁日市政中心希尔顿酒店坐落于巴图鲁日中心地段,步行前往密西西比河只需 4 分钟、前往巴吞鲁日河中心需 6 分钟。 此酒店距离路易斯安那州立大学 2.6 英里(4.2 公里),距离虎穴体育场 2.9 英里(4.6 公里)。查看更多 ...
201 Lafayette St, 巴吞鲁日显示地图 开业:2006巴吞鲁日市政中心希尔顿酒店坐落于巴图鲁日中心地段,距离路易斯安那州立大学和路易斯安那州购物中心不到 10 分钟车程。 此酒店距离奥博格**饭店 9.4 英里(15.1 公里),距离密西西比河 0.1 英里(0.1 公里)。查看更多 ...
201 Lafayette St, 巴吞鲁日显示地图 开业:2006巴吞鲁日市政中心希尔顿酒店坐落于巴图鲁日中心地段,距离路易斯安那州立大学和路易斯安那州购物中心不到 10 分钟车程。 此酒店距离奥博格**饭店 9.4 英里(15.1 公里),距离密西西比河 0.1 英里(0.1 公里)。查看更多 ...