|2016猶他峽谷之旅 - Capitol Reef - Cassidy Arch| 2016猶他峽谷之旅 - Capitol Reef - Goosenecks|2016猶他峽谷之旅 - Utah Highway 12| 頂礁國家公園 (Capitol Reef National Park) 這個名字裏面,前者指的是國會山莊的白色圓頂,後者指的是海裏的岩礁, 都是用來形容這裏的山勢地形。本來難以想像意有何指,...
英英释义 a national park in Utah having colorful rock formations and desert plants and wildlife 访问沪江小D查看capitol reef national park的更多详细解释>相关短语 eminent domain (国家的) 征用权 国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics 国家统计局是国务院直属机构,主管全国统计和国民经济核算工作,拟定统计...
圆顶礁国家公园(Capitol Reef National Park)位于犹他州中南部, 公园成立於1971年,全年开放,9月是游客最多的季节。它的地点位于布莱斯峡谷国家公园和拱门国家公园之间,因而常常被人忽视。圆顶礁国家公园保护其色彩斑斓的地球的地质层以及独特的自然文化历史,园内有许多砂岩和巨石,有一些圆形巨石或悬崖具有浅白的颜色及...
查找并预订美国Capitol Reef National Park 的带停车场的推荐酒店,价格给力!查看住客评分,为你的旅行预订理想带停车场的酒店吧。
Capitol Reef National Park 美 英 网络礁石神殿国家公园;礁石神殿国度公园
Kayenta Formation in Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, was undertaken partly to determine reasons for low consistency ratios of mean current directions reported in previous studies. A total of 265 dip direction readings were taken from five localities in and near Capitol Reef. This mean current ...
1,405,353 people visited Capitol Reef in 2021. A table showing all years can be found atCapitol Reef Visitation Stats. Capitol Reef was made a national park on December 18, 1971. What are the highest and lowest elevations in Capitol Reef National Park?