Alternatively, you can highlight the text and use Word's keyboard shortcut: press shift + fn + F3 on Mac or Shift + F3 on Windows, and keep pressing F3 until your text changes into the desired case. How to capitalize all letters in Google Docs It's just as easy to capitalize all ...
Convert Case in Microsoft Word Converting case is really simple in Microsoft Word. If you go to the ribbon option under “Home” for “Change Case” (also found withshortcut ALT+H+7) you’ll find the following options: Sentence case: Only the first letter of each sentence is capitalized ...
The shortcut works both ways: If you want to capitalize a block of text, just press Shift+F3; the text will toggle between all caps, no caps and capitalizing only the first letter of each word. STANLEY ZAROWIN is a freelance writer in Zionsville, Indiana. Mr. Zarowin retired from the...
Go to Tools > Word Count or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + C. Character Count in Microsoft Word You can see the word count at the bottom of your document (although you may have to right-click on the word count and check “Character Count”). You can also access it by cl...
There's also a to_upper for strings in boost, if you want a shortcut 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #include <string>#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>intmain() { std::string str ="I am a string"; boost::algorithm::to_upper(str); std::cout << str <<'\n'; } ...
It is also possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to services. Using this or any similar feature in any word processing application still won't pick up on words within a sentence that should be capitalized such as "I" or proper nouns. You'll also have the problem of it capitalizing ...
I was curious if the autocorrect would also disable keyboard shortcuts in iOS5 and it does *not*. This is nice because I've set up a shortcut of @@ to insert my e-mail address. This means user defined shortcuts still work, it only affects spelling corrections. ...