or a euphemism for “Jesus!” It has come to mean “exciting” or “surprising” when it’s used as an adjective: Gee whiz, Grammar Girl, who knew there was so much to say about this topic? The most common spelling today is “gee whiz,” but since it is slang, there is some ...
Should I capitalize he when referring to Jesus? Pronouns referring to God or Jesus arenot capitalized unless a particular author or publisher prefers otherwise. NEW AAT Advanced Level Synoptic (ADSY) and Spreadsheets (SPSH) Revision Class Lecture 1 24 related questions found What are the rules o...
javel jawan jawed jazzy jeans jeats jebel jedis jeels jeely jeeps jeeze jefes jeffs jehad jehus jelab jello jells jelly jembe jemmy jenny jeons jesse jests jesus jetes jeton jetty jeune jewed jewel jewie jhala jiaos jibba jibbs jibed jibes jiffs jiffy jiggy jigot jihad jills jilts jimmy ...
Which is correct Jesus or Jesus's? A: The form written with an apostrophe plus “s” (that is,“Jesus's”) can represent either a contraction (short for “Jesus is” or “Jesus has”) or the possessive form of the name. But in the expression you're writing, it would clearly be t...
jesus jetes jeton jetty jeune jewed jewel jewie jibbs jibed jibes jiffs jiffy jiggy jigot jills jilts jimmy jimpy jingo jinks jinne jinni jinns jisms jived jives jivey jobed jobes jocko jocks jocky jocos jodel joeys johns joins joint joist joked jokes jokey jokol joled joles jolls jolly...
Perhaps he was trying to capitalize on Jesus’ authority and reputation as a wise judge in human affairs. Poate că pur şi simplu încerca să profite de autoritatea lui Isus şi de reputaţia acestuia de judecător înţelept (Isaia 11:3, 4; Matei 22:16). jw2019 ...
I believe widespread Christian persecution is coming, and that we should prepare ourselves to stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ unto death, refusing to deny His name and also refusing to accept the mark of the beast. I would appreciate your thoughts. May God bless you my brothers and sist...
Perhaps he was trying to capitalize on Jesus’ authority and reputation as a wise judge in human affairs. Talán megpróbált hasznot húzni abból, hogy Jézusnak az emberi ügyek bölcs bírájaként tekintélye és jó hírneve volt (Ézsaiás 11:3, 4; Máté 22:16). jw2019...
jesus jetes jeton jetty jeune jewed jewel jewie jhala jiaos jibba jibbs jibed jibes jiffs jiffy jiggy jigot jihad jills jilts jimmy jimpy jingo jinne jinni jinns jisms jived jives jivey jnana jobed jobes jocos jodel joeys johns joins joint joist joled joles jolls jolly jolts jolty jomon ...
james jammy jamon janes janns janny janty japan japed japes jasey jaspe jasps jatos jauks jaunt jaups javas javel jawan jawed jaxie jazzy jeans jeats jebel jedis jeels jeely jeeps jeeze jefes jeffs jehad jehus jelab jello jells jelly jembe jemmy jenny jeons jesse jests jesus jetes ...