Download Here! Grammarist is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate...
●ThestudentsapplaudedwhenPresidentParleyintroducedProfessorQuain.(Theprofessorshookhandswiththepresident.)Capitalization 1.6wordsreferringtoreligions,saints,sacredwritings,andreligiousorders ●GodChristianityOldTestamentHisloveJudaismBibleChristIslamKoranAllah(Arabic:God)Capitalization 1.7(intitles)the1standlastwords;...
Writers often take such liberties, but it would not be correct to capitalizeheorhim. Some style guides capitalize these pronouns when referring to a deity, but there is no other situation in which that would normally be done. I think if you capitalize, the reader is likely to assume it’s...
This is a dumb English Grammar Rule and I think it needs to change; especially when referring to The President of The United States (Because there is only one whom holds this job title) and Vice President of The United States (Because there is only one whom holds this job title) or any...
-Capitalize when referring todepartments, boards, bureaus, offices, agencies, commissions, committees andservicesof the government when the name is given. Examples: ·the Securities and Exchange Commission ·the Federal Bureau of Investigation
allwordsreferringtoGod WecannotunderstandGod'sways,butHe surelyunderstandsours. allnamesofreligionsandreligious writingsandreferencetofollowers Christianity,Islam,theBible,theKoran, Jews,Christians,Buddhists Literature thefirstwordofasentenceandthefirst wordofadirectquotation. Theactorexclaimed,"Donottouchme!" ...
4. When in doubt, refer to your style guide If you're writing for a specific institution, keep their style guide bookmarked. For your convenience, here's what the four most commonly used style guides in North America require when it comes to capitalizing titles correctly: ...
-Capitalize when referring todepartments, boards, bureaus, offices, agencies, commissions, committees andservicesof the government when the name is given. Examples: ·the Securities and Exchange Commission ·the Federal Bureau of Investigation