to his quest. Who doesn’t dream, while feign interest in price-to-earning ratios, of standing in thecompany of alpine gods like Reinhold Messner? No doubt he also hears “time’s winged chariot hurrying near,” to quote the poet, buthe denies being in the grip of any kind of ...
In the guise of a dream book of a character who has seen the future of the world from the 1930’s to the middle of the beginning of the 22nd century, Wells is able to expound upon the events of the day and their possible implications- over a century into the future. Writing six ...
Approximately 100 acres near the Renton Junction was purchased by the Washington Jockey Club from dairyman James Nelsen, whose two daughters were still living in the farm houses across from the track, off East Valley Highway, into the 1980s. (In a century, the land went from being wilderness...