That said, twisting “entitlement” into (even more of) a pejorative and otherwise demonizing your fellow consumers is ultimately counter-productive. Begrudging them their satisfaction of capitalism working as intended (to them), gets you no closer to your dream game sequel. Instead, it leaves ...
As working people struggle to pay their bills, the masters of the financial universe trundle along, rewarding themselves with massive bonuses and risking a repeat of the financial implosion of 2008.
1.the chief town or seat of government.Paris is the capital of 2.(alsocapital letter) any letter of the type found at the beginning of sentences, proper namesetc.THESE ARE CAPITAL LETTERS / CAPITALS.mayúscula (for investmentetc).You need capital to start a new busi...
In theory, socialism aims to eliminate class divisions and create a more egalitarian society through shared ownership and democratic control of industry. Production is intended to directly satisfy human needs rather than maximize profits, where individuals receive access to basic necessities like healthcar...
but different. Different capacities, different abilities, different personality. Eve was a complement to Adam's abilities. Together they could accomplish more than either of them individually, and by cooperating, they could accomplish more together than both of them working separately. Then we saw ...
Ex- Labor (note the American spelling of the name of Australia’s oldest political party) leader Shorten: ‘We must be an opposition that stands for something. We must be a party of Labor that stands for the real world concerns of working men and women.’ ...
The key to this is the ability to lock up capital assets — the ability to hold money indefinitely, and prevent any stakeholder from reclaiming any part of jeir investment. As such, they need some first amendment rights to protect their property from expropriation. But, she added, corporations...
It might seem as if Benjamin’s philanthropy and injection of cash into the local economy is a good thing. It’s not like he’s stealing from other people working hard for their pay checks, right? In reality, he is. Benjamin’s money really represents control over what others produce ...
As intended: The 2020 census had big undercounts of Black people, Latinos and Native Americans. Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Whale. Cryptocurrency is a giant Ponzi scheme. NFTs Are, Quite Simply, Bullshit. Snowpiercer Asks Us to Imagine the End of the World — And the End ...
Gerardo Caprav Being jewish i have many relatives that did the Kibbutz experience, one of them is my cousin who lived in a Socialist Kibbutz where the NAP system suppouse to work as a principle.Well, he realized that he was working really hard and he was receiving the same amount money...