Well, some anti-capitalists might disagree. In the case of powerful authoritarian governments, they seize the fruits of your labor. They tax you. They take your property. Finally, they either hoard or distribute it as they deem fair. In that scenario, you are a subject, not a citizen. C...
Synonyms Free enterprise economies ; Free market economies Introduction Capitalism can be described, in simple terms, as a social system of production and distribution , dominated by markets . There are three important parts to this description. First, capitalism is a social system (not a natural,...
50K Owning everything together and having the government control it might seem sensible, but in practice, this isn't the case. Discover what communism is, how and where it started, and what it looks like today. Related to this QuestionWhat...
Briefly describe the definition of socialism as applied in economics. What is an "economic system" in a simple definition? Define the term "political economy." Explain the term political economy. In the current world of economies, can China be considered a state capitalist country? Explain...
In simple terms, international investors would purchase ZSE stocks that are listed on more than one exchange (In this case, Old Mutual) and sell them on another exchange. Old Mutual Limited's stock was the popular choice for these international investors and South Africa's JSE was the popular...
in externalities can be very “un-right” to the rest of the population. An externality is any difference between the private cost of an action or decision to a business or agency and the social cost. In simple terms, a negative externality is anything that causes an indirect cost to ...
However, the genesis of capitalism has different features in different countries, features that are determined by the concrete historical conditions in each one. The classical path of capitalist development—primitive accumulation of capital, simple cooperation, manufactory production, and the capitalist ...
I think Democrats were more or less certain to get slammed in the midterms no matter what they did — the real problem is that this window was their only opportunity to get anything done for the next decade and (just like in 2009) they blew it— Gerry Canavan (parody) (@gerrycanavan)...
The principles of democracy and capitalism, which stemmed from the European Enlightenment of the 18th century, stood in the way of the power of the State. In fascist terms, these trends — based on concepts of individuality, equality and positive self-interest — limited the unity and the ...
everything is defined in terms of money: a person’s worth is defined in terms of money on their tax return, national output (GDP) is stated in dollars, a parent’s value in raising a child is reduced to the dollar value of child support payments, even restitution for negligence is put...