Capital punishment is a state-sanctioned practise whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for having committed a serious crime; among them murder, treason, war crimes, and genocide. As witch-hunts grew ever more prevalent across Europe, it was n
wañuy wanay wiki 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ capital punishment "自动翻译成 盖丘亚文 wañuy muchuchiy Google Translate 具有替代拼写的翻译 Capital punishment + 加 英文-盖丘亚文字典 Wañuy wanay HeiNER-the-Heidelberg-Named-Entity-... 加 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“capital punishment"翻...
Capital punishment is the punishment of death for a crime given by the state. It is used for a variety of crimes such as murder, drug trafficking and treason. Many countries also have the death penalty for sexual crimes such as rape, incest and adultery. The lethal injection, the electric...
Relevance to Contemporary Discussions on Capital Punishment The popes’ administrative acts in the governance of the Papal States were not in any sense acts of the Church and possess no magisterial authority, whether by example or application. Still, they are not irrelevant to contemporary discussions...
involving punishment by death uppercase excellent adjective first-rate; "a capital fellow"; "a capital idea" adjective of primary importance; "our capital concern was to avoid defeat" adjective uppercase; "capital A"; "great A"; "many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script" ...
5 months ago With the conviction of infanticidal abortionist Kermit Gosnell, the question arose of whether he ought to face capital punishment – as any three-time murderer in Pennsylvania might. Com a condenação do abortista infanticida Kermit Gosnell, surgiu a questão: ele deveria rec...
WikiMatrix On March 4, the headof Saudi Arabia’sHuman Rights Commission, an official body, defended the authorities’ useof capitalpunishment, stating thatSaudi Arabia“takes pride in Islamic law constitutionally and methodologically ... no one can trump the workofGod.” ...
WikiMatrix The US state of New Jersey has joined the global trend towards ending capital punishment. Common crawl This is Camden, New Jersey, the number one murder capital of the US so you can leave that take me to him bullshit back at your castle, okay? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The Gene...
So Jehovah authorized capital punishment in the case of murderers. 由此可见,耶和华是认可用死刑处决谋杀犯的。 jw2019 a) Levy a fine of up to # per cent of the minimum amount of the authorized capital a) 课以核定资本最低数额最多 # %的罚款 MultiUn On this basis the Bible authori...
a Following the events of # eptember # and the adoption by the Security Council of counter-terrorism resolutions, the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan passed deterrent legislation providing for imprisonment or capital punishment for any person committing a terrorist act using a weapon ...