Capital PunishmentDeath PenaltyPardonRemissionRespiteReprivePresidentGovernorAs far as India is concerned, the provisions relating to Capital Punishment are embodied in Indian Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. Indian Penal Code is the substantive law, which suggests the offences, which are ...
The same has not occurred in Bangladesh. Yet in both countries, systemic flaws in the criminal process are evident. This article draws on two original empirical research projects that explored judges' opinions on the retention and administration of capital punishment in India and Bangladesh. The ...
So many cases of murder go not unnoticed but without any punishment to the doer only because he has money to meet out whatever expenditure might come in defending his case. Be it by influencing or so to say compensating the families of those killed or hiring an efficient lawyer to prove ...
have urged India's president to commute Memon's sentence to life in prison, reflecting what appears to be growing uneasiness in India with the death penalty. Yet some of the most ardent supporters of capital punishment are leaders of the ruling Hindu nationalist ...
Thus I endorse capital punishment only for the worst of the worst criminals.” [13] “Sometimes, justice is dismissing a charge, granting a plea bargain, expunging a past conviction, seeking a prison sentence, or—in a very few cases, for the worst of the worst murderers—sometimes, ...
Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty and formerly called judicial homicide,[1][2]is the state-sanctioned practice of killing a person as a punishment for allegedely committing acrime. In more democratic countries, this follows an authorised, rule-governed process how likely it was...
a.Wealth, especially in the form of financial or physical assets, used in the production or accumulation of more wealth. b.Accumulated assets or advantages used for economic or political gain:"The president lacks the political capital to override their objections"(The Economist). ...
At some time capital punishment was used as a criminal sanction by all countries; however, most countries have since abolished the use of capital punishment. Even so, four of the most populous countries in the world continue to execute people, i.e. the People's Republic of China, India, ...
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT AND THE WORLD: In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is a pledge among nations to promote fundamental rights as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world. The political elite in Europe often condemn the US as ...
Filed under: capital punishment, child abuse, Gender, Human rights, Pakistan-India, Resistance, VAW | Tagged: child abuse, Dalit, Delhi gang rape, Hathras, Jyoti Singh, Motorway rape case, outrage culture, Pakistan, rape, Syeda Hameed, Zainab | Leave a comment » What were you like when...