Lower-case Capitol: A Capitol Building The first definition of capitol with an O are the buildings in which state government is conducted. So going back to Atlanta, I often drive by the state capitol building, which is known for its gold dome (a common feature of many capitol buildings). ...
meaningof the head,for its government sense andcapitāle,orwealth,for its use to mean a benefit, financial or otherwise.Capitolcomes fromCapitōlium, the name of a temple dedicated to the Roman god Jupiter that once sat on the smallest of Rome’s seven hills, Capitoline Hill....
Capitol The United States Capitol Capital (1) A city that is the seat of the government for a country or a state Thecapitalof England is London. (In this meaning, "capital" is anoun.) (2) An amount of money or property Do you have anycapitalinvested in her business?
The meaning of CAPITAL is of or conforming to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc.. How to use capital in a sentence. Capital and Capitol: Which One to Use Where
The meaning of CAPITAL is of or conforming to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc.. How to use capital in a sentence. Capital and Capitol: Which One to Use Where
Synonyms for Capital City in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Capital City. 99 synonyms for capital: money, funds, stock, investment(s), property, cash, finance, finances, financing, resources, assets, wealth, principal, means... What are synonyms for Capit
Capital vs. Capitol: Which is which? Is the government headquarters of a state referred to as the state’scapitalorcapitol? How does one refer to a building in which government business takes place? The wordscapitalandcapitolare two of the most commonly confused words in the English language ...
Define capital. capital synonyms, capital pronunciation, capital translation, English dictionary definition of capital. money; principal; city serving as a seat of government; involving death: capital crime Not to be confused with: capitol – legislature
Money or finances for a project A building that houses a government The first letter of a sentence Next Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. Complete the sentence with the correct word order: In order to build the breathtaking ___ building, the young government of the United States had to borrow __...
Define Capital costs. Capital costs synonyms, Capital costs pronunciation, Capital costs translation, English dictionary definition of Capital costs. n. 1. Funds spent for the acquisition of a long-term asset. 2. An amount of money spent in this way. Ame