CapitalOne正在招聘Strategy Analyst 【概述】目前,Capital One总共开了2个GraduateProgam,并且小编推测很可能就只开这两个了,一个是Strategy Analyst,一个是Software Academy. Strategy Analyst属于战略咨询团队,在团队中,你将充分借用数据的力量,帮助客户解决新遇到的挑战 【职位介绍】 我们会为客户带来真正的改变。
Capital One 的 CEO Fairbank 在 2018 年报中,表示“对于金融科技,我们比客户更有激情,比信徒更有信念。 在 FinTech 这个叫法还不存在的时候,我们就已经将 Capital One 定位为一家金融科技公司。” 作为一家从成立伊始就高度强调数据作用的银行,Capital One 借助科技,持续创新,在金融科技方面走在了行业前 列,是...
为了更好地理解Capital One的数字驱动战略(Information-based strategy,IBS战略),我们将其分为战略构想和战略执行两个方面。 ►战略构想方面:Capital One致力于“以合适的价格向合适的用户提供合适的产品。”为了在此基础上实现盈利,Capital One认为需要重点关注两方面的信息:一是关注客户的信誉度(Creditworthiness),即...
in the past year, and says that the diversity recruiting team is integral to capital one’s strategy moving forward. below, learn more about a few programs and initiatives that capital one has established to support candidates from all walks of life at every stage of their career—from ...
申请的是战略分析师strategy analyst一职,在伦敦的工资是4万磅起加上5千磅加入奖金,以及其他一些奖金补贴,这个起薪应该说非常generous了,放到投资银行届也不算逊色。 共7道题,非常慷慨地给了3分钟时间准备,另外三分钟时间回答,一次机会录制。当然,机智如你提前拿到题库的,准备时间越短才越有利!
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为了更好地理解Capital One的数字驱动战略(Information-based strategy,IBS战略),我们将其分为战略构想和战略执行两个方面。 ►战略构想方面:Capital One致力于“以合适的价格向合适的用户提供合适的产品。”为了在此基础上实现盈利,Capital One认为需要重点关注两方面的信息:一是关注客户的信誉度(Creditworthiness),即...
Chief Strategy Officer, Investment Group “We really want people to feel included and welcomed here … Our associates’ well-being is our top priority.” LOCATIONS We are a global company “We are a global company, with more than 8,800 associates in offices around the world, including a gro...
Ms. Karam has served as our Chief Audit Officer since June 2018, and is responsible for leading Capital One’s internal audit function, developing the Company’s audit strategy and ensuring the Company maintains an effective control environment on behalf of the Board of Directors. Ms. Karam join...
Capital One pledges to boost the open source software supply chain by becoming a flagship member of the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF). The Linux Foundation is home to OpenSSF, a cross-industry group that aims to motivate and empower the community to secure the open source software ...