4.Capitalists considered as a group or class. 5.A capital letter. adj. 1.First and foremost; principal:a decision of capital importance. 2.First-rate; excellent:a capital idea. 3.Relating to or being a seat of government. 4.Extremely serious:a capital blunder. ...
4.Capitalists considered as a group or class. 5.A capital letter. adj. 1.First and foremost; principal:a decision of capital importance. 2.First-rate; excellent:a capital idea. 3.Relating to or being a seat of government. 4.Extremely serious:a capital blunder. ...
a.A town or city that is the official seat of government in a political entity, such as a state or nation. b.A city that is the center of a specific activity or industry:the financial capital of the world. 2. a.Wealth, especially in the form of financial or physical assets, used ...
large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis; "printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case ...
4.Capitalists considered as a group or class. 5.A capital letter. adj. 1.First and foremost; principal:a decision of capital importance. 2.First-rate; excellent:a capital idea. 3.Relating to or being a seat of government. 4.Extremely serious:a capital blunder. ...
Define capital town. capital town synonyms, capital town pronunciation, capital town translation, English dictionary definition of capital town. money; principal; city serving as a seat of government; involving death: capital crime Not to be confused wit
4.Capitalists considered as a group or class. 5.A capital letter. adj. 1.First and foremost; principal:a decision of capital importance. 2.First-rate; excellent:a capital idea. 3.Relating to or being a seat of government. 4.Extremely serious:a capital blunder. ...
Define Capital City. Capital City synonyms, Capital City pronunciation, Capital City translation, English dictionary definition of Capital City. money; principal; city serving as a seat of government; involving death: capital crime Not to be confused wit
Define Bank Capital. Bank Capital synonyms, Bank Capital pronunciation, Bank Capital translation, English dictionary definition of Bank Capital. money; principal; city serving as a seat of government; involving death: capital crime Not to be confused wit
4.Capitalists considered as a group or class. 5.A capital letter. adj. 1.First and foremost; principal:a decision of capital importance. 2.First-rate; excellent:a capital idea. 3.Relating to or being a seat of government. 4.Extremely serious:a capital blunder. ...