Kenya’sCapital Markets Authority(CMA) has published new investment crowdfunding regulations.The Capital Markets (Investment-Based Crowdfunding) Regulations 2022were gazetted on 25 October 2022, allowing Kenyan‑registered micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) to raise funds from investors through li...
NAIROBI, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Kenya plans to deepen its capital markets to reduce its public debts, an official said on Tuesday. Paul Muthaura, chief executive officer of capital markets authority (CMA), told journalists in Nairobi that a well developed capital market will help to reduce bot...
The Grand Capital site is open to traders 24/7. Clients can execute orders when the market is open for their asset of interest, and this depends on the region and time zone. With that said, cryptos can be traded around the clock including on the weekend....
The general objective is to examine the effects of strategic change on organization performance, a case study of Capital Markets Authority, Kenya. A descriptive survey research design will be undertaken with the target population will be all the staff of CMA, Kenya. Stratified sampling will be ...
Flight Student and Trainer Killed in Collision Over Kenya's Capital More NAIROBI (Reuters) -A Cessna training aircraft collided with a passenger plane carrying 44 people above Kenya's capital Nairobi on Tuesday, killing the student and his trainer, police said. The passenger plane from local ...
Mr Saruchera said preference creditors will get 12 percent of their debt and the balance will be converted into a debenture payable in five years at 5 percent interest in the case of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority. Workers will get 20 percent down payment and the balance of $1,8 million wi...
Group ranches (GRs) were established in Kenya in the 1960s and 1970s; their objectives included the increase of pastoral land productivity and the control of land degradation. Since their establishment, GRs have evolved and new trends have emerged in resource management with significant impact on ...
Group ranches (GRs) were established in Kenya in the 1960s and 1970s; their objectives included the increase of pastoral land productivity and the control of land degradation. Since their establishment, GRs have evolved and new trends have emerged in resource management with significant impact on ...
This paper examines the positioning of gender within women-focused capital funds (WFCFs) to consider the extent to which these digitally enabled sources of
Moreover, other aspects of linking social capital, par- ticularly those relating to the existence of microfinance, education, health, security, market, religious and justice institutions, merit further exploration. Implications for future research Based on certain attributes of bonding, bridging and ...