capital letter- one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis; "printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so bec...
Languages: "English," "Spanish," "Chinese" – they're unique, so they deserve capital letters. Don't Forget the Exceptions Of course, no grammar rule is without its exceptions. Here are a few to keep in mind: Common Words: "the," "a," "an," "and" – these smal...
uppercase and lowercase letters"Uppercase" and "capital" letters mean the same thing, ex: ABCD "Lowercase" and "small" letters are the same thing, ex: abcd |@gigip uppercase and capital are both equally common, but "lowercase" is more common than "small"
home▸sitemap▸common errors ▸capital letters with north, east, south, and west The Quick Answer Do not use a capital letter for north, south, east, or west (i.e., the points of the compass) unless the word forms part of a name. For example: Head north then west. I live...
Both are used.|Both phrases are common |Both. If I had to choose, I'd say capital letters. |You’re welcome :)|both but I personally use "uppercase" , or sometimes I'll say "all caps" for all capital letters.
Title case:“When to Use Capital Letters” In title case, in this example, ‘Use’, although small, is an important word in the title, and should therefore be capitalised. ‘To’, however, is not important and therefore not capitalised. ...
Capitalizing text is one of the most common and least effective ways of emphasizing text becausecapital lettersare difficult to scan. Humans read primarily by recognizing the shapes of letters forming words, which is entirely eliminated by writing in all caps (see whether you can recognize the tex...
COPSCommon Operations Picture System COPSComputer-Oriented Partial Sum COPSCentral Office Payphone System(PTI) COPSCreate On-Line Procurement System COPSCoherent Patrol Sum COPSCapital letters, Overall appearance, Punctuation, Spelling(editing checklist) ...
aElem.Enchant Scroll Common Scroll Elem.Enchant纸卷共同性纸卷[translate] aeveness of temperatures 温度的eveness[translate] ascores of receiving sets and recorders 收音机和记录器比分[translate] aRecordings of local to regional earthquakes are dominated by crustal phases like Pg, Pn, and PmP. 本机...
11. Use capitals letters (sometimes!) for headings, titles of articles, books etc, and newspaper headlines: HOW TO WIN AT POKER Chapter 2: CLINTONS EARLY LIFE LIFE FOUND ON MARS! MAN BITES DOG When to use uppercase letters? Firstly, when we need to emphasize a word or phrase, we usual...