Capital assets can also be damaged or become obsolete. When anasset is impaired, its fair value decreases, which will lead to an adjustment of book value on the balance sheet. A loss will also be recognized on the income statement. If the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, anim...
资产的定义 An asset is a resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from...
fund , asset ,capital 的区别 asset 就是资产负债表里的资产, capital可以做资产里的不变资本,可变资本。 fund指专项资金,基金,一般事业单位报表里会有相关科目 fund和capital的区别 fund英文意思:Funds are amounts of money that are available to be spent, especially money that is given ...
The Capital Is Not Always an AssetIn Bishkek they talk of Edinburgh; on the shores of Lake Ozera Issyk-Kul they muse on the...Moffat, AlistairNew Statesman
capital词义:名词:资金,大写字母,资本家;形容词:重要的,大写的。固定搭配:1、Capital Economics 资本经济。2、SOCIAL CAPITAL社会资产 。3、capital expenditure 资本开支。用法:Companies are having difficulty in raising capital.各公司在融资方面遇到麻烦。
Intellectual capital is the value of a company's employee knowledge, skills, or any proprietary information.
1. the city or town that is the official seat of government of a country, state, etc. 2. a city regarded as being of special eminence in some field: the dance capital. 3. capital letter. 4. the wealth, as in money or property, owned or employed in business by an individual, fir...
a financial asset is an asset whose value derives from a claim of some sort 投资资产:未来能够产生现金流的资产 消费资产:持有来进行消费的资产(比如说石油大豆这些都是属于消费类资产) 10.1 Short Selling 做空的过程是比如一个投资人联系了他的broker要做空X公司的100股股票。那么这个broker就会从其他的投资...
在公司财务语境中,有个术语叫资本资产(英文:capital asset),这个词汇听起来有些让人不明所以,那它究竟是什么意思呢?所谓资本资产,指的是:由公司所有,且预期能在较长一段时间内产生价值的某项财产(property)。此项财产主要用于公司日常经营,且通常并不出售。资本资产的例子包括:办公大楼、厂房、电脑、生产设备、车...
A capital asset includes a wide range of assets that are considered to be desirable and of immediate use or worth to the owner. The assets are also expected to be in use for a long period of time. Most often, a capital asset is thought of as an asset that can be touched and used ...