(in a business) the total funds invested in an enterprise.Discover More Example Sentences "Without that guaranteed level of capital investment, the building does not have a long-term future," a statement said. From BBC Haigh said: "This represents record capital investment to the majority of ...
The meaning of CAPITAL INVESTMENT is the amount of money invested or required to be invested in an enterprise or undertaking.
invest, or expand a company. If you want to start a business, you need money. In economics, capital refers to factors of production that we use to create goods or services, such as machinery, tools, buildings, and technology. These assets enhance our ability to produce and increase output....
While money itself may be construed as capital, capital is more often associated with cash that is being put to work for productive or investment purposes. In general, capital is a critical component of running a business from day to day and financing its future growth. Business capital may d...
Synonyms:assets,investment,principal,stock an accumulated stock of such wealth. any form of wealth employed or capable of being employed in the production of more wealth. Accounting. assets remaining after deduction of liabilities; the net worth of a business. ...
The meaning of VENTURE CAPITAL is capital (such as retained corporate earnings or individual savings) invested or available for investment in the ownership element of new or fresh enterprise —called also risk capital.
Working Capital:While not traditionally considered a capital investment, investing in working capital is crucial for the smooth operation of a business. Working capital investments involve funding the day-to-day operations, such as managing inventory, paying suppliers, and covering short-term expenses....
In economics, what are Investment Assets? What are the differences between investing in the stock market and investing in the real estate business? What is the difference between investing in real estate and investing in stocks? What are the benefits of investing in human capital?
(redirected fromInvestment Capital) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia capital money; principal; city serving as a seat of government; involving death:capital crime Not to be confused with: capitol– legislature building; also Capitol, meaning the building in which the U.S. Congress meets...
: capital that has numerous possible or actual uses as opposed to capital confined to a specialized use 2 : capital available for investment The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologies ...