We aim to actively partner with high-quality Asia Pacific companies, focusing on sectors to support their pursuit of sustainable, long-term success in domestic and international markets.
Cimbal Capital Group is a private equity firm making majority control investments in technology businesses. We measure success by the positive outcomes we achieve for our companies and the returns we deliver to our investors. Cimbal is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and has undertaken investme...
Welcome to Consensus Capital, founded by Mark Emlick. Consensus Capital is a leading private equity and property development organisation.
Europe. One of the group’s key strategic assets is its employees’ know-how, to whose training it has dedicated a multidisciplinary School which has provided more than 21,000 days of training during the last year. www.eng.it/en About Bain Capital Private Equity ...
Building Exceptional and Enduring Businesses Insignia Capital Group is a growth-oriented private equity firm focused on building world-class companies in
新泽西州恩格尔伍德克利夫斯--(美国商业资讯)--领先的云数据保护平台OwnBackup今天宣布获得由Alkeon Capital和BCapital Group联合牵头的2.4亿美元E轮投资,其中包括BlackRockPrivate Equity Partners和TigerGlobal对公司的二次投资。公司现有投资者Insight Partners、SalesforceVentures、SapphireVentures和Vertex Ventures也参与了本轮...
Private Equity(简称PE)在中国通常称为私募股权投资,从投资方式角度看,依国外相关研究机构定义,是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资。 在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。有少部分PE基金投资已上市公司的股权(如后面将要说到的PIPE),另...
Cathay Capital is a global private equity and venture capital investment firm supporting companies at every stage of their lifecycle.
The Capital Markets Group at Houlihan Lokey has extensive experience in capital funding services for clients across all segments. Find out more.
Transom Capital Group is an operations-focused private equity firm in the middle market. Our functional pattern recognition, access to capital, and proven ARMOR℠ Value Creation Process combine with management’s industry expertise to realize improve