American Funds has been helping investors pursue their financial goals since 1931. We offer mutual funds, target date funds, 401(k)s, IRAs, and 529s.
Our funds offer a spectrum of investment objectives, levels of volatility and asset types. Note: Our fund of funds options are not included in this chart. Learn more:American Funds® Portfolio Series,American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio Series,American Funds Target Date Retirement Series...
View monthly and quarterly returns for American Funds Portfolio Series funds with and without the deduction of applicable sales charge.
Martin Romo是Capital Group Martin的股权投资组合经理,管理The Growth Fund of America和The Investment Company of America的组合,他还是这两家公司的首席投资官。 作为Capital Group管理委员会成员,Martin专注于投资集团和基金治理,交付卓越的投资成果,以数据和技术构建竞争优势,营造多元化的组织和包容的环境。 他还是Cap...
Our funds offer a spectrum of investment objectives, levels of volatility and asset types. Note: Our fund of funds options are not included in this chart. Learn more:American Funds® Portfolio Series,American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio Series,American Funds Target Date Retirement Series...
在Fortune杂志的基金业排名中,经常出现名为“AMERICAN FUNDS”的家族,10年以上的业绩出奇的好,却找不到由哪个公司管理。最后多番求证才发现是一个从不做广告,连招牌字号都懒得亮的巨兽———CAPITAL GROUP。要了解这家公司的情况似乎更是难上加难,所幸的是,亚马逊上居然有一本好书,就是我要向大家推荐的《CAPITAL...
$维信诺(SZ002387)$ Capital Group 是一家美国的投资管理公司,成立于1931年。它最著名的品牌是美国基金( American Funds)。Capital Group 管理着许多共同基金和其他投资产品,专注于通过深入的研究和长期投资策略来为投资者创造价值。该公司以其稳健的投资风格和全球化的
Capital Group是一家美国金融服务公司。它是世界上历史最悠久,规模最大的投资管理组织之一,管理资产达1.87万亿美元。该公司于1931年在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶成立,是一家私营企业,在美洲,亚洲,澳大利亚和欧洲均设有办事处,在全球拥有超过7,500名员工。 Capital Group提供一系列产品,包括通过其子公司AmericanFunds提供的40多...
If the plan ID for your Capital Group retirement plan begins with IRK, BRK, 1, 2 or 754, login here and find content related to retirement planning, mutual fund basics, rollovers, the American Funds and other retirement tools.
If the plan ID for your Capital Group retirement plan begins with IRK, BRK, 1, 2 or 754, login here and find content related to retirement planning, mutual fund basics, rollovers, the American Funds and other retirement tools.