4. Capitalists considered as a group or class. 5. A capital letter. adj. 1. First and foremost; principal: a decision of capital importance. 2. First-rate; excellent: a capital idea. 3. Relating to or being a seat of government. 4. Extremely serious: a capital blunder. 5. Involving...
Address Presented to the National Capital Area Chapter of the American Society of Public Administration, Washington, DCC. Everett Koopu.s.national library of medicine
In these models, financially constrained firms are considered part of the treatment group, whereas the unconstrained ones are part of the control group. Consistently, the coefficients \(\gamma ^{a}_{1}\), \(\phi _{1}\), \(\gamma ^{b}_{1}\), \(\phi ^{'}_{1}\), \(\gamma ...
Read about Dragon Capital's two decade history and how a remarkable group of people came together to create a dynamic company with a unique culture.
Green Fund has set up a Green Fund Research Centre for the purpose of evaluating the ESG impact of port- folio companies.62 Successful portfolio companies managed by the fund include the Horen Group, which developed a recyclable industrial packing system based on the internet of things, and ...
Environmental projects are woefully underfunded. Improving their risk-return profiles and structuring larger investment products... Connect with our Natural Capital group Meetour people, exploreour capabilities, and read a collection ofour latest insights....
About Paladin Capital Group Paladin Capital Group was founded in 2001 and has offices in Washington DC, New York, London, Luxembourg, and Silicon Valley. As a multi-stage investor, Paladin’s core strength is identifying, supporting, and investing...
Bour- dieu and Wacquant (1992) explain that "community social capital is the total of tangible and intangible resources that an individual or a group gains from having a persistent network of more or less formalized ties of mutual acquaintance and recognition." Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) high...
Also, through social influence, people obtain normative and informative guidance by relating their behaviour to others within the same group or among different groups (Coleman et al. 1957). The terms normative and informative guidance are used neutrally due to the capacity of bonding capital to ...
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group). 2018;8:1. Prestage G, Jin F, Kippax S, Zablotska I, Imrie J, Grulich A. Use of illicit drugs and erectile dysfunction medications and subsequent HIV infection among gay men in Sydney, Australia. 2009;6(8):2311–20. Barrett P, O’Donnell K...